HILLARY CLINTON | Poisoning UK Politics With More Lies

in #news7 years ago


Hillary Clinton has yet again been spouting more of her putrid bile in an attempt to further her 'Russia hacked the election' narrative whilst on a visit to the UK this week. The failed presidential candidate has been traveling up and down the country spreading her lies during interviews and speaking events in an attempt to promote her new book across the pond.

Although their hasn't been any reporting in the UK media of any formal engagements between Clinton and UK officials the 'Russia hacked the US elections' narrative has made it's way into the UK parliament. Addressing MPs in the House of Commons on Tuesday, UK foreign secretary Boris Johnson stated that "The Russians have been up to all sorts of mischief in many countries but so far we cannot yet pinpoint any direct Russian cyberattacks on this country". His comment came after he attacked opposition MP's for appearing on the Russian news network Russia Today.

"If you study the output of Russia Today, and if you consider the state of the press in Russia at present, it is a scandal that members of the party opposite are continuing to validate and legitimate that kind of propaganda by going on those programs"

I'm sure it comes as no coincidence that his statements coincided with Hillary Clinton's trip to the UK. In the past Clinton has been very vocal about RT being a propaganda tool of the Russian government. The news organization even made up a large portion of the January report by the Senates Intelligence Community Assessment into Russian interference of the 2016 presidential election campaign.


Much of her time in the UK was spent attacking Russia and Wikileaks, defending her husbands lewd conduct, and moaning about losing the election to Donald Trump all in the guise of promoting her book. Most of what she repeated like a broken record was just lies made to make her sound like a victim or some kind of nefarious grand conspiracy.

Hillary's lies just don't seem to stop and will eventually spiral out of control landing her deeper into trouble. Below is a recent article that gives a nice factual summary debunking just some of the lies she has said about Julian Assange and wikileaks.

Hillary Clinton Just Told Five Blatant Lies About WikiLeaks | Medium - 10/16/2017

  • Lie 1: Claims WikiLeaks never publishes anything about Russia
  • Lie 2: Podesta leaks were timed to eclipse the Access Hollywood “grab them by the pussy” October surprise.
  • Lie 3: Implying that there was nothing incriminating in the Democratic party emails that WikiLeaks published.
  • Lie 4: Julian Assange is “a tool of Russian intelligence” who “does the bidding of a dictator.”
  • Lie 5: Claiming WikiLeaks helped spread lies and is therefore not protected by the First Amendment.

It's likely she even lied about falling on some stairs and breaking her toe. Nick Merrill, Clinton's spokesman, tweeted she had caught her heel on some steps and had twisted her ankle. But later on in an interview with British comedian Graham Norton she said that she had actually broken her toe.

Source1 | Source2

Due to this incident she ended up cancelling the rest of her media engagements which now seems like awfully good timing because the very next day The Hill broke a huge news story implicating her in some extremely corrupt activity that puts her right in the center of her very own story of Russia collusion that involves bribery, kickbacks and money laundering, whilst Secretary of State under the Obama administration.

FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow | The Hill - 10/17/17

Before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin’s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.

Nothing really surprises me about this woman anymore. She'll go to any lengths to hide, control and manipulate any story that involves her corruption. I expect she'll be heading back home in the next few days where sooner or later she'll have to finally answer some hard hitting questions relating to this new scandal she's involved in which should be interesting.



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That bitch is so crooked she couldn't lie straight in bed!
The good news is I haven't seen her on TV since she's been here however the fact that she's here in the UK makes me sick to my stomach.
I'm sure the Russian narrative will be her downfall as she's clearly trying to muddy the waters as her and her equally disgusting spouse are neck deep in shit over the nuclear deal. The greed of the Clintons is epic, is there no one they won't take 'donations' from?
Great post mate.

Yeah ive been trawling the liberal msm on both sides of the pond for any reporting on the uranium scandal and i have found very little. I find this more scary than surprising. Goes to show how deep the bias and corruption goes.


Hilary destroy her credibility (along with media and the Russia narrative) and make things moving forward by her incompetence, isn't that great?

It's time for the Clinton dynasty to just shut up and go away. She lost the election, Trump didn't win.

I second this. It;s over for her.

You know, there was a time when people claiming there was a grand conspiracy to bring them down and impact their daily lives on the part of global actors were considered crazy...

lol yeah ... and look how far we've come.

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