CITIZEN LAB | Soros Funded Report Into CyberBerkut Attempts To Cover Up Alexei Navalny Connection To The CIA

in #news7 years ago

Today anti Putin Russian activist and opposition leader Alexei Navalny was arrested and detained for 30 days after organizing an illegal anti Putin protest in Moscow.

Russian activist Alexei Navalny detained as tens of thousands rally across Russia | WaPo - 06/12/2017

MOSCOW — Tens of thousands of protesters turned out across Russia Monday in a nationwide rally against corruption that will also serve as a test of opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s support in his longshot bid to unseat President Vladi­mir Putin.
Navalny was quickly detained by police Monday after he called on his followers to gather on Moscow’s main thoroughfare, Tverskaya Street, instead of an approved protest space north of the center.

Putin foe Aleksei Navalny jailed amid major Russia protests | ABC News - Jun 12, 2017

Some of the demonstrations had received permission to go ahead, but in Moscow, police had warned they would be illegal. The protests were deliberately organized on one of the Russian government's most important holidays, when hundreds of authorized events are also held.
The demonstrations were a follow-up to large-scale protests that swept Russia in late March. Those protests, also mobilized by Navalny, were directed against senior Kremlin officials and attracted tens of thousands of people in almost 100 cities, with over a thousand people arrested.


Citizen Lab

Alexei Navalny was recently named in a report on CyberBerkut by Citizen Lab. Citizen Lab is based at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto and describes itself as an interdisciplinary laboratory that focuses on advanced research and development at the intersection of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), human rights, and global security.

Citizen Lab allege that a pro Russian hacking group by the name CyberBerkut was responsible for hacking and publishing emails from a prominent journalist, Rhodes Scholar, and critic of the Kremlin, David Satter.

In the report they claim to have uncovered evidence the hacking group tainted Satter's documents before publishing them. In Citizen Labs report introduction they state:

While we cannot conclusively attribute the theft of Satter’s emails to one particular threat actor, nor do we have concrete details on the process by which his stolen emails were falsified and made their way into the public domain, we uncover and analyze several pieces of evidence to help contextualize the tainted leaks, while at the same time linking the infiltration of his email to a much wider cyber espionage campaign that has a Russian nexus.

On 10/07/2016 Satter was hacked by a phishing campaign after being redirected to a fake Google password reset page. Satter’s emails were then stolen and dumped online. Interestingly the url of the phishing site was the same as the url used to hack John Podesta's email account (the hackers linked a copy of John Podesta's Wikipedia page to the phishing url). They claim this was the work of state sponsored Russian hackers but again no proof, stating:

While we are able to point out that there are significant commonalities in domain naming and subdomain structure between the campaign targeting Satter and domains linked to these IPs, we are not able to make a more conclusive technical link to APT28.


Tainted Leaks: Disinformation and Phishing With a Russian Nexus | Citizen Lab - 05/25/2017

Tainted Leaks: Disinformation 2.0
Following the compromise of his account, Satter’s stolen e-mails were selectively modified, and then “leaked” on the blog of CyberBerkut, a self-described pro-Russian hacktivist group. This report introduces the term “tainted leaks” to describe the deliberate seeding of false information within a larger set of authentically stolen data.
We examine in detail how a report sent to the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) about Radio Liberty’s Russian investigative reporting project (contained in the emails stolen from Satter) was carefully modified with false information prior to being released. We show how this manipulation created the false appearance that prominent Russian anti-corruption figures, including Alexei Navalny, were receiving foreign funding for their activities. (Alexei Navalny is a well-known Russian anti-corruption activist and opposition figure). We also note how the document was used in an effort to discredit specific reports about corruption among close associates of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In addition, whoever tainted the document also made reference to an article that had not yet been published at the time the document was “leaked.” This timing strongly suggests advance knowledge of the publication of an upcoming piece of investigative journalism concerning senior Russian officials and businessmen. Such information is likely to have been sensitive, and would not have been widely known. This may suggest that the operators had access to other, ongoing surveillance operations.
Once the tainted leak was released, Russian state-owned media and others reported that the document showed a CIA-backed conspiracy to start a “colour revolution” in Russia.1 The tainted leak was also reported as evidence that the reports on corruption within Putin’s inner circle represented part of a deliberate disinformation campaign on behalf of foreign interests.

Above is just a small example of Citizens Lab's attempt at pretending the documents were tainted. The report is basically saying a group of hackers hacked Satter, tainted his emails to make it look like he was getting funding from the CIA to wage an anti Putin media campaign, before leaking them online. If this all feels a little too far fetched, it probably is once you realize George Soros's Open Society foundation is a donor for Munk School of Global Affairs. Ocrams razor would tell you the emails were real and the report was made up to protect US interests abroad and to also deflect the truth contained within them.



US is preparing a color revolution in Russia according to Ukrainian model - CyberBerkut - 10/22/2016

In 2013 in Ukraine started revolution, which cracked the country, divided families and ignited civil war. As known, one of the main sponsors of that bloody show was National Endowment for Democracy financed by US Congress. "Thanks" to its money many young Ukrainians came to the streets and started riots.
Then Americans used a common plan: first heated up the population by materials in the media they financed and then started to openly "pump" money into street riots. Now, the same focus they are trying to do with Russia. And one of the main role here belongs to journalist David Satter.
According to our information, Satter works for American special services and has close ties with international fraudster William Browder. Satter lived in Moscow for quite a long period of time and cooperated with such editions as Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and Radio Liberty. But in 2013 he was refused to prolong his Russian visa. Since then he started to actively support Russian oppositional media.
As it became known from NED materials, Mr. Satter provides quite a wide range of services. If you study all the reports it will become clear that almost each anti-Russian propaganda material published by Radio Liberty and a number of Russian "liberal" media is prepared under Satter's supervision.

Assuming these emails are real , which is very plausible considering the lack of actual evidence contained within Citizen Labs report, and looking at the bigger picture of the recent anti Putin protests across Russia it would seem there is a concerted effort by the Deepstate to smear and discredit Putin by funding targeted on and offline media campaigns.


My only comment is that Navalny seemed to deliberately violate the law in organizing the demonstrations, and that I have no evidence the timing/siting of the demonstrations would have somehow negatively impacted the demonstrations at the legally permitted sites/times.

On it's face, deliberately choosing to stage illegal, rather than legal, demonstrations seems designed to create strife and drama. I confess, however, to having no knowledge whatsoever as to whether such permitted times/sites may have negatively impacted the demonstrations.

I believe he changed the protest site to coincide with Russia day WW2 reenactment.
He was arrested before he even got to the new protest site.

Bravo CyberBerkut!
Fakenews and Agents Provocateurs exposed.

yes indeed.

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