Does the US want more war...? Syria and Russia tell the US "you are nuts" for thinking Syria is planning a "chemical attack" !

in #news7 years ago


Too many years have passed by and many Americans have seen the war rhetoric and mis-truths as the case for war is made.

The players are not your normal US vs Taliban or US vs Iraq ...basically smaller countries. But the consequences for war mistakes is too big for the world this time. You can't have US vs Russia without China and Iran siding with Russia and NATO backing the US. So you would have a giant mess-- where humanity can be set back many many years.

For what ..??? What is the BIG issue that Syria requires intervention and years of planning of ISIS and other groups. Is this for the pipelines from Russia that need to be stopped vs another pipeline the US backs --- really ??? Is it worth it?

Or is it the dollar that is at risk and the time for the dollar as the world reserve currency is changing --- and this type of change does not happen at a negotiation table but after catastrophic events?

The Fed Reserve and Banks came come out and say "we have been screwing over the world by our printing press" , it will never happen. They will need to blame a war or some other major reason.

Logic fails this beat of the war drums

  • the US now cares about chemical attacks or citizens killed when we term 100's killed in drone attacks as "collateral damage"
  • we care so much about people , we ignore the plight of Venezuela
  • we have been in Afghanistan for 16 years folks --- 16 years and US Army leaders say "we are losing" send more troops.

I don't like how we don't have money for the US ....but we have money for war. We don't have money for bridges, but we have money for war.

This time the stakes are high. Of course there is no truth in the media -- you have no idea what's going on.

Russia has shown how embarrassing our actions or inactions have been --- like the US cannot hunt ISIS down --- what a joke.




Great post, war is the US economic bubble. If the military and related government organizations were cut down, the government would have to create other programs to stimulate the economy. Unfortunately, since the military has been on edge for so long many soldiers don't have jobs to come home to, so lets say WAR = Feeding the Poor.

I would add that the military is supporting Dollar supremacy as a national security priority --- look who did not have a Fed Reserve and was invaded...Iraq, Syria , Libya was taken out as well.....see a trend?

As someone who cleaned up the mess (I was a medic), I don't want more war!

The people in the US DO NOT want war --- it takes a lot for us to want war. 911 attack (forget who really did it) ...but it wasn't Afghanistan. ..."supposedly" the alleged hi-jackers were Saudi.....we have been down this path so many many mis truths

Great post. Thank you.

It's such a mess. I'm not sure what to believe. Is Russia in on the global government and are just playing their role in the theater (as advocated by some researchers), or is this really a genuine game of geopolitical chess? Is Trump genuinely trying to oust the elite pedo ring, or is he working for the ziocons?

At least its clear that the shadow order is funding and supporting terrorist regimes for their own financial and power interests. How much the deep state is split, if at all, remains to be seen though. Grab your popcorn; its only gonna get more entertaining ;)

I agree...nobody know for sure...but we do know "it's not what we are told"'s all a stage ...actors maybe. But the stakes are too big to make a mistake. I seriously think it's "what has to happen from their perspective" for the dollar change. Trump would have zero control. Time will indeed tell.

The worst of all things is, that we are paying for this wars with our taxes. So many things we "learned" are lies..... It's a shame...

A shame ...a mistruth...on purpose with the media and politicians acting like we can't see their BS....but this will blowback on these same people the way Colin Powell will go down in history as a con-man doing the bidding for the "his team".....sadness indeed.

Can we really say any of the war was paid for by taxes? Our deficit is so high because the war was really paid by China! Talk about paid military...

It is a's a budget item's defense spending. We never get defense spending cuts and they always overspend... the military industrial complex is in charge.

Yeah that's exactly what I meant. Military budgets are raised everywhere in the world. Trump is seeking for a 54$ Billion increase in military spending. If you think about what the only purpose of weapons is, there is no way we will have more peace with more weapons. And all this is done under the slogan of Democracy. One of the biggest lies...

An old saying "war is a racket" is's a business. These people are psychopaths

Quite the post, you raise a great point, and the cartoon at the end really puts it into perspective.

It's hard to see Russia make they are going after ISIS and the US not so much ...I wonder why? If the US wanted to take down ISIS ...I think we know they could.....Russia knows it too.

Being the world superpower, the US economy is somewhat reliant on war, thus always needing an enemy.

And the military defense contractor make money this way too --- no money in peace for them. I really do think they protect the dollar -- that is the agreement. But that is for the bankers and fed.

Such a great and important article! It's really time to wake up, all of us! I've hard to believe that anyone of us, regular people want war, no matter where they come from. The propaganda machine want us divided and against each other. I'm very much convinced that the overwhelming majority of every being in the whole world what peace and not war. I'm absolutely sure. Great!

this is why I believe Trump won....we are a majority of people in the US. However, the news and media don't like telling people this. This is why they were so surprised. They believed their own words.

Divide et impera (divide and dominate) ... this concept is really old. If you want to control a group try to divide them into smaller groups with reluctant interests and views, which in fact will most likely lead to groups fighting against each other instead against the real enemy. Think about it...

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