
How is it even possible that you have literally a negative number for feedback?
I realize you say things that tick people off, but I haven't seen it in weeks.
I know you and some folks have grudges wit eachother, but honestly, things like this are why i'm not fond of the rep system.
You have a perfectly valid and positive point. But because of some dumb crap you said in the past to someone else, your voice is no longer heard, which means I can't tell if I'm getting support or not and yes everyone's voice matters to me.

Frankly this is why the rep system needs to trend towards 0 over time.
Gives you a chance to rehab and if one of us loses our ever loving mind it would allow the community to put the shush on us for a few days until we chill out. But at least rep would be a thing you have to keep earning.
Anyways, end rant.