Dennis Kucinich Filing Petition to Run for Ohio Governor as Democratic Candidate

in #news7 years ago

So I went and saw Dennis Kucinich speak at a union hall last night. Though I might not personally agree with all his stances I found him to be a genuine person who hopes to help improve our society.

Not sure if you know about Ohio politics but they are pretty messed up. Locally the democrats in Columbus have a terrible anti democratic ritual of appointing democrats to City Council before standing for election. These tyrants are awarded an un American incumbent advantage due to this via being able to claim experience and getting free "earned media" with their name being associated with the election they eventually sit for.

On the statewide level the GOP gerrymanders the state legislature and all the rest talk about making more districts. Facts is in 2014, Libertarian and Green Party statewide candidates got around 100k voters each and despite state house districts being won with as little as 16k total votes, Libertarians and Green Party get no representation with they taxation.

I think Kucinich would be a good middle finger to the rulers in Columbus and help enable a chance at a truly democratic society--what I think is an important stepping stone to realizing a voluntary society someday.


Nice ..
A vote must be made for justice no matter what its image
Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

thx, hope to have some big announcements in following days and weeks!!

Hello fatkat, is down at the moment. I just wanted to send you a reminder for the lease payment today. It will be 200 STEEM for another 28 days. Thanks

yes sir have it all in sbd now, i was gonna wait til midnight or a little later see if steem/sbd ratio changes but if hassle for you can change it now and send your way. Thanks again

No problem. You can send later if you want. Thanks

Will send it by midnight EST. Thanks again, was hoping to give you a nice upvote out of the blue so will give eyou one in a few days since VP low. Thanks again for everything!!

It’s astonishing how little democracy really matters to the “main” parties in the United States despite the amount of propaganda they put behind the term... this is very telling of how much democracy really works :(

it really is especially with the "wars for democracy" and the lives and treasure lost.

in Canada we have "Official partys" these parties receive funding from our government if they are able to win 12 seats in the house. this creates an unfair advantage for new parties creating a sense of Aristocracy in our government :(

dang sorry to hear that, hopefully we can lower the transaction costs of polictal action with the blockchain!!

This would be epic. His stances on war is enough for me to support him, even if a governor has no power to dictate those policies.

yea, big f u to columbus and dc, you in Ohio? Hoping to do some meet ups and other stuff

I'm sadly in NJ. We are circling the drain.

c'est la vie, well hopefully we will be free someday!!

I really agree with the blog you give, this is an object to lead to a better, thanks @fatkat about the information.

thanks for your ideas

Reads like an improvement for Governor. On the national side I sure hope 2018 changes the majority in at least the house. Actions currently being pushed thru I think long term hurt more then help. Thanks for the info.

Yea, I think he'd shake stuff up. Yea I think most if not all government hurts. I think taxation is theft and that we should eliminate all poverty with a guaranteed minimum income!!

I've always like Kucinich, he had an awesome ad when he ran for president "Kucinich: The eyes that see behind the lies" and he came out and defended Donald Trump when the MSM was shrilly attacking Donald Trump for saying Obama had tapped Trump Tower, something that seems pretty clear now but Dennis came out at the time with a #MeToo about being illegally tapped. And he has a hot wife for a big eared midget.

yea he seems like a good guy, even if i dont agree with him on everything.

Dennis Kucinich is my favorite democrat by far. But maybe I just like anyone who tried to impeach Bush Jr. But seriously I think he would make for a great Governor.

yea, he seems like he has tried to do some good things, i think he would help shake up Ohio for the positive.

He became mayor of Cleveland in his early 30s. Very impressive. I remember Dennis Kucinich ran for Democratic nominee a few times. He sure has original ideas and seems very genuine.

Yea I heard his story last night seems like a cool dude. Don't agree with all his stuff, but I think Alinsky makes a convincing case that we take life as a series of alternates and cannot always achieve an optimum by a set target.

Beautiful post thanks for share

Yea, what is beautiful about it? See your rep is low, people frequently downvote ambiguous comments.

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