Evil, More Lies, and Still No Response

in #news6 years ago


Apparently there is a different set of rules for billionaires and so called "royalty" in this world. No surprise there. What is surprising is the lack of response from our so called leaders in this country that we call the land of the free.

Although Washington Post Jamal Khashoggi is truly free now in death, in life he was not free to speak his opinion. In fact he paid the ultimate price. Is this the world we want to live in? If not, shouldn't people with a voice and a platform speak up?

That this type of autocratic rule is tolerated in this day and age is unbelievable to say the least. At least from the perspective of developed nations. What is even harder to believe is the total silence from most American "leaders", the people like Bezos, Branson, Zuckerberg, and Gates that were shoulder to shoulder with this killer a few months ago during his publicity tour of America.

The lack of action and voice in this regard and this time shows true character. It's not surprising from Trump. But at times like this who are we to look to as an example of proper values when silence is the only example being shown?

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