UFO Disclosure Has Been Going On For A Long Time

in #news7 years ago

If you've been paying attention to the UFO Disclosure story, then you know about Stephen Bassett and Dr. Steven Greer. And you know and what they do, and why we can all thank them for getting the idea of disclosure into the main stream.

But, I would like to share with you an interesting form of disclosure that was shared with me when I was a technical illustrator for a US Navy contractor in Pensacola, FL.

The contract was for training with the Chief of Naval Education or CNET as it’s called. And of course, we had a lot of retired Navy and Marine Corp people working on several different projects. One retired Navy Chief told me something very interesting one day. And what he said had more impact than usual because at the time, we had all just finished lunch at a big conference table. And, someone had set up a classic Star Trek episode for use to watch on the projector in that room.

It was an episode That Which Survives. Essentially it is about a holographic projection from a computer left behind by a long extinct civilization.

After the episode we chatted a bit before we got back to work. And this retired Navy Chief told me, “When I was in Navy Intelligence, my commanding officer told me that Hollywood is sometimes used to get people ready for massive change.”.

Very interesting when you consider the plot of the episode we had just watched. And it confirms one of my more unpopular UFO hypotheses that some of the UFO/Alien encounters reported are perhaps an Artificial Intelligence either left on Earth by a long gone extinct civilization or a A.I. Probe carrying out a long mission.

But that is pure speculation and I do not have documentation on this conjecture. However, I do have documentation for an episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation being used for disclosure.

The episode Schisms is an episode that was massively disturbing. It involves several members of the Enterprise crew complaining about pain and trouble sleeping.

They essentially form a support group and go to the holodeck to recreate what they all experienced. Piece by piece they recreate an examination table until they finally agree they have a good representation of it.

The specifically disturbing element to the table they modeled in the holodeck was the addition of this curved blade "scissors".

Then, Worf says, “I’ve been here before.”. Commander Riker then says, “We’ve all been here.”. And the scene fades to black and we go to commercial.

Now keep in mind the run-away hit The X-Files had yet to air. But, this classic abduction scenario portrayed in front of millions of viewers was so powerful many people who had never discussed Star Trek with me asked me if I had seen that episode, [last night]. So obviously the disturbing imagery and suggestion by Riker that, “We’ve all been here.” Sunk into the collective consciousness of Star Trek viewers that evening.

The part of this story that brings it all into the realm of having documentation for “Hollywood being used to get people ready for change”, as quoted by my Navy contracting colleague was that in the Pensacola News Journal the very next day was an article stating the Star Trek: The Next Generation was being used by a “government’s covert educational program”.

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The person who this quote is from is Don Ware, who at the time was the Florida Director for MUFON. Granted, Don Ware would later fall out of favor with MUFON for supporting the wild claims of obvious hoaxer (so called) Dr. Jonathan Reed. And, in an ironic turn of events, MUFON has fallen out of favor with a lot of UFO researchers for including Corey Goode at their conferences.

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However, the fact that this quote was carried by the Associated Press the very next Day after the Star Trek: The Next Generation - episode Schisms was first aired in the local viewing market around Pensacola is striking. The AP moniker from Associated Press means this story was carried and printed in several markets around the country and perhaps around the world.

Knowing the official air date of Schism was about a week prior to its airing in the Pensacola Market gives us some clues as to where to look for similar stories released after its airing.

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And we can infer that in fact someone, somewhere pre-planned this series of media, both narrative and news article, in succession for a desired impact. And it seems the desired impact was meant for those of use paying attention.

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Granted, we have seen a lot of nonsense fear based alien invasion style films like Independence Day. But the idea that an intra-dimensional race was having their way with an advanced Earth based “Space Navy”, (let’s face it, Star Trek is basically about our future Space Navy), allows us to question the entire “Aliens from another planet” hypothesis entirely.

More on this later. In the meantime, I would recommend listening to the late Dr. Karla Turner describe some of the things that happened to her and family. And when you consider the work of the ancient Gnostics and their warning about the parasitic beings known as the Archons, it seems this is an intra-dimensional infestation that has plagued Earth for quite some time.

Does the above image represent the slaying of a dark reptilian energy?

In the next few days, I will upload a series of videos that I jokingly refer to as “Defense Against the Dark Arts”. This was my response to how I overcame the dark invaders that, for a time, seemed to find a fear inside me I didn’t think was possible.

And it seems, fueling fear, strife, pain, and other negative energies is what these Archons are feeding on. Hence, another film that seemed to expose the parasitic nature of the “unseen” would be The Matrix, (Granted the “fuel” in that scenario was simply for electricity. But the metaphor is priceless.).

About the Author:

Anthony Castelluci Rep - Barefoot Agency SMALL.jpg
Anthony Castelluci is a USMC veteran where he served as a Hazardous & Explosives Material Driver with 9th Engineers and a Water Safety Survival Instructor with 2nd ANGLICO.

Currently he is working on earning his BS in Digital Cinematography from Full Sail University online.


Star Trek : That Which Survives

In Praise of Stephen Bassett and the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure

Derek Jensen - http://www.tysto.com/2017/05/star-trek-18-arena/

Blue Angles over Pensacola Beach - http://www.affordable-mechanics.com/pensacola__fl

Space probe

Schisms (episode)

TrekCore 'Star Trek: TNG' Screencap & Image Gallery

Watch Star Trek - The Original Series Season 3 Episode 17: That Which Survives - Full show on CBS All Access

15 Cool Stories of How 'Star Trek' Ships Got Their Names
Ryan Britt - https://www.inverse.com/article/36201-star-trek-starship-names-enterprise-discovery-shenzhou-defiant-nasa


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