Secret Space: What Is Nasa Hiding?

in #news6 years ago

The documentary created by now deceased Jeff Challender is filled with great unexplained sightings recorded by NASA. Ironically, it was the diligence of a disabled man who constantly recorded the live NASA feed for several years, and not the work of NASA scientists that revealed these mysteries.

Jeff passed away in October of 2007. But, before he left Earth, he blessed the UFO researching community with a lot of hard evidence. And he also uncovers the dishonest practices carried out by NASA during their live feeds. He does this by showing how NASA uses a layer of color banding and static over the regular live NASA feed to lessen the quality. And he shows how these are turned on after the feed starts, in one instance. This can all be seen in his documentary called, "Secret Space: What Is Nasa Hiding?" .

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This is excellent work. And while his narration and overall production value are amateur, the content is top notch. Listening to Jeff narrate makes you imagine a really dorky dude on the other end of the mic. But, regardless of what you think of his voice and monotone narration style, the years of recording he made of NASA live streams amount to a masterpiece in the UFO research community.

And as UFOs become more mainstream his work becomes more important. That is because today, a story about the International Space Station (ISS), was being watched, showed only small lights in the space around it. But, if you compare what the main stream media shows around the ISS to what is in the documentary from Jeff Challender, you can see how they have failed the public by withholding the truth, yet again.

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Also note that the caption of these little lights still carry the same negative connotation by using the word conspiracy. And in this recent case, the paper even used the word "conpiracist". This is a tactic to sway those who would speak out for fear of ridicule.

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The other thing to be aware of is that with the recent main stream media coverage of the UFO subject, knowing who is attempting to control the narrative is important. Generally, as someone who has seen over 20 UFOs, I am rather open to ideas. But, since the release of the USS Nimitz UFO footage from Tom DeLonge's Journey to the Stars company, the intent seems to be making sure we see them as a threat. And, while we cannot know for sure what the intentions are of a being from an advanced civilization, simply accepting the classic alien invasion fear based mindset is a huge mistake. And contradictory to the idea they are threats, is the fact that there have not been any reports of unprovoked attacked concerning UFOs.

Knowing that the budget in the USA is tied up hugely in defense contracts, allowing the narrative to be about a perceived threat does not bode well for the public at large. In fact, perceiving a UFO as a threat could very well play into the hands of globalists attempting to create a false-flag operation, to help them seize power.

Stanton Friedman is a well respected UFO researcher and lecturer. One of the questions he asks those who perceive UFOs as a threat is why would an advance civilization want to contact such a violent species. In fact he thinks it is more likely they would observe us and perhaps even intervene in case we would attempt to start a nuclear war. And with stories coming from both the USA and Russia about UFOs turning off their launch systems at nuclear missile silos, Friedman seems vindicated in the assumption of the intention of observing aliens to be cautious and careful.

And, while I do not hold any validity to an overt threat from outer space seen in such films as Independence Day, I do feel there is some validity to David Icke's point of view. One of his mainstay arguments is that the elites are controlled by dark reptilian entities that feed off negative energy. This explains a lot of why our civilization tends to profit from war and strife. And, while we let millions starve in the name of corporate profits, perhaps it is an alien dark life entity that interacts with those making these decisions.

But, this could be an inter-dimensional race of beings just outside of our perception. And while we would perceive them as alien, the Archon race of beings might be from Earth, but exist at a frequency just outside our perception. And, when you look back at the mass murders, starvations, and wars carried out by elites, it makes you wonder how long this has been going on.

And, as people wake up from the distractions foisted upon them, the power of the dark elites is waining. We see this as main stream media and politicians obedient to their New World Order masters lose office. And the backlash Hollywood has received is amazing.

Huge sums are lost every year by Hollywood studios, as over and over again they double down on their far left leaning message. And as the Hollywood stars speak out more and more against the #Liberty movement and against #Trump, their movies make less and less money. It is the changing and awakening world where we can see that awareness of UFOs is being shaped by those who have awoken, and not by dark agents of the Archons.


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