Globalists in Tailspin Break Out Steven Speilberg as Panic of the Great Awakening Grows

in #news6 years ago (edited)

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The Globalists are on the the ropes. With 60K+ sealed indictments held by the United States Department of Justice and an ever awakening public, blockchain fueled news is poised to tip the information war into the truth movement's favor. Meanwhile in France, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, mass protests against the European Union's draconian policies of increased taxes and mass emigration are sure signs that Globalists are losing to the Great Awakening.

Robert D. Bowers is a crazy asshole. The anti-Semitic statements he made before he went to "war against the Jews", when he open fire on Tree of Life Congregation, in Pittsburg, was a classic example of how not to exercise your right to the 2nd Amendment. And it further damaged the pro #FirstAmendment movement right when the #USA is in the thick of a #socialmedia purge against conservative voices. And the irony of purging social media and letting logic and reason rise to the top is that the control of media helps genocide happen. And when we see a Manchurian Candidate style assassin activate like Robert D. Bowers, it's yet another indication Globalists are becoming desperate.

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So apparently if you are on the Left and have a conspiracy theory, it's fine to share it on a mainstream media interview. Steven Spielberg lets a doozie rip in his interview with NBC #FakeNews master Lester Holt. The conspiracy theory comes about when Lester Holt asks Spielberg about a Schindler's List scene involving a red coat on a 6 year old girl. As the film was famously shot on black and white film stock, this CGI colorizing was a striking image in this film. Spielberg's answer is that it was symbolic that Roosevelt and Churchill knew about the Holocaust and did nothing about it. Not sure where he is getting this idea, but it is the first time I heard it. And it's highly disrespectful to the Allies and the sacrifice made during World War 2. The truth is that no one knew about the genocidal horrors being committed on an industrial level by the Nazis. While we understood the rhetoric and anti-Jewish propaganda coming out of Nazi Germany at the time, no one imagined that Hitler's Final Solution would be industrialized extermination.

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Those who claim silencing voices like #AlexJones and #LauraLoomer on social media will deter people like Robert D. Bowers from being pushed off their thin grasp of sanity over the edge into homicidal massacre contradict the reality of the Holocaust. Keeping it a secret allowed it to happen. And, when you consider as a species of human beings on Planet Earth, that we are ignoring a total of 5 genocides currently taking place that censorship is far more damaging than we are being led to believe. Please feel free to update yourself on the current hot-spots of genocide on our planet.

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Of course Lester Holt has rampantly been involved in hate. And that has been aimed at POTUS #Trump. And while his slick polished style of disinformation may not use the same language as nutter Robert D. Bowers used before his killing spree, his effect is potentially more damaging to America than that of a mass murderer. The act of lying by omission has been a mainstay of #mainstream media for quite a long time. And, Lester Holt conveniently leaves out key points of information when he goes on his debasement campaigns against, lets face it, the only voice the dwindling middle class affected by #Globalism has had in #America.

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Lester Holt has repeatedly ignored the rising danger of Antifa. Here we can see how their tactics in the field mimic exactly what #MSM and #BigTech censorship wants. And that is a blackout of the danger that is brewing as these people begin to arm themselves. This is in sharp contrast to the #Freespeech movement and supporters of the #2ndAmendment as their motivations arise from demonstrating their love and practice of the Constitution of the United States of America. Antifa conversely spews anti-American slogans and hate and has now armed themselves. And, Antifa has also called for the violent overthrow of the United States. How all this will play out should prove interesting as it stands to reason that Homeland Security has detailed files on these assholes.

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Here we see an Antifa members who have armed themselves with riffles. The woman with the AR style rifle has a smug look on her face. And the guy to her left has a AK style weapon. Can anyone think of a good reason why this was not on #MSM other than this is censorship by omission? Screen grab from Andy Ngo YouTube Channel. Screen Grabs used under Fair Use Code 17 U.S.C. § 107

So the irony of using Steven Speilberg's remastered Schindler's List to remind America how far #hate can go, is that we've all grown tired of hate spewing from the mouths of #Hollywood stars. And all the censorship coming from MSM and Big Tech has silenced voices attempting to challenge that hate with reason and logic. Steven Spielberg is re-releasing a film that shows what happens when hate is publicized and reason is censored. The irony is astounding!

33035339595_ba6ca791e4_k.jpgClassic example of MSM name calling without backing it up with facts.

Over and over we are beaten over the head with propaganda against Trump from MSM and Hollywood. And for anyone with enough consciousness to use discernment the ruse is obvious. And that ruse is that MSM and Hollywood are using every tool at their disposal to fight against Trump's anti-globalist agenda. Steven Spielberg who has this unchallenged conspiracy theory, that Allied Forces were not told about the genocides happening in WW2, ironically airs with a so-called news reporter who works for a network that refuses to speak of a growing danger against people who identify as #conservative.

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While there is plenty of admiration to heap upon Steven Spielberg, he recently was used as a #MSM puppet for an article about #News and so-called #FakeNews where he stated he thought Don Lemon of #CNN was doing a good job. As much as I love some of his films, my opinion of his as a human being was changed forever as I realized he must have a control file on him that allows Globalist puppet masters to use him like a chess piece.

The #FirstAmendment was put in place because the Founding Fathers knew that censorship was the first salvo to be used in war. Today, entire agencies are devoted to information control and gathering. This is called #intelligence. So, when you consider that Andy Ngo's brave documenting of a violent ready gang of #Antifa was not covered by mainstream media, what does that tell us about the narrative foisted upon #American #television viewers?

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The cold dead stare of an Antifa protestor as he asked Andy Ngo, "Are you willing to die for YouTube shit?". This is the "in the field" version of mainstream media and Big Tech #SocialMedia censorship. Censorship is violence. And here a direct threat is made against an American citizen who is trying to break through the noise of MSM lies and bring the truth to the world is met with a direct threat. The irony that their signs read "Migrants In - Fascists Out" as they threaten an American with Vietnamese Heritage is baffling!

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At one point one Africa-American protestor with gang-style teardrop tattoos derides Andy Ngo's heritage by saying , "Go back over there. Why don't you do some wing-chung shit?". This is a clear racist remark that apparently is supposed to make fun of a Chinese Heritage. The irony of the Antifa acting in a severely fascist way by exhibiting hate, censorship, and bully-tactics is recorded by this brave independent journalist Andy Ngo. How many people in America are clueless this takes place because of censorship, lies by omission, and blatant lies coming from mainstream media and Hollywood?

Hopefully as Schindler's List is re-released in it's new digitally mastered form, members of Antifa will see it. And in seeing it I hope they cry when they realize the ironic lives they are leading.

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In this screen shot from Andy Ngo's video foray into a dangerous Antifa crowd, you can see the classic covered face as someone attempts to intimidate him. And in the background we see an American Flag pinned upside-down on someone's jacket. Do these people appear to you to be the passive heroes of Anti-Trump protestors the #MSM has claimed makes up the bulk of Antifa?

My watershed moment for realizing the fix was in with MSM concerning Trump was during the election. There was a guy featured in London who was shouting "Trump is a Nazi!" over and over. When an independent journalist attempted to question the person as to why this was his opinion the person shouted "Trump is a Nazi" even louder at the reporter. And this is the same kind of behavior we see from Antifa today. They have the attitude of "Don't bother me with the facts. My mind is made up". Is this entrainment? Is this mass mind-control? And if so, how are these people being affected? What delivery system is being used to allow this small group of people to have such a skewed sense of reality that a gathering for free speech is somehow a cause for them to react in such a violent and anti-American way?

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What reaction would you get if you asked this person how they reached the conclusion that is stated on this sign? Also how do random protestors arrive with pre-made professional looking signs? The answers are that the protestor would act violently. And that the sign was funded by a group of people who are against Trump's anti-globalist agenda. That means that #Globalists are behind the entrainment of Antifa behavior. And it means Globalists have bought these signs.

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How far will Antifa go? As we have seen mass murder committed by anti-Semitic far right extremist in America, is it a far stretch to assume that Globalists want the same thing to happen to conservatives and Trump-supporting anti-Globalists? We already saw a mass shooting against conservatives when the Republican Baseball practice was fired upon. How long before Antifa opens fire on people who simple want to publicly proclaim their conservative views? And we have seen how MSM has downplayed the anti-conservative motivation at the 2017 Route 91 Harvest Music Festival shooting. It's is conservatives that predominantly make up more of country music fans.

The FTAA stands for Free Trade area of the Americas. My biggest question to Antifa, is "If they are truly anti-fascist as they claim, where were they during the FTAA protests in Miami in 2003?". This protest was held by people interesting in keeping the USA stable. And by stability this meant to stop exporting jobs outside our boarders for cheaper labor and to quell the mass migration of illegal emigrants. Clearly the Globalist agenda to weaken the USA by exporting our jobs was something that was started with NAFTA. That bill was created by none other that deceased former POTUS George H.W. Bush. And it was put into law by former POTUS Bill Clinton. And this bi-partisan fleecing of America was a wakeup call to many Americans who ended up voting for Trump. And it was these same Americans who gave nearly 30% of the vote to H Ross Perot who warned American of a "Giant sucking sound" of jobs leaving the United States.

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The screen grab from the Hopeseekr YouTube channel video compilation of the FTAA protest reveals that a huge cross section of Americans protested against the globalist agenda to bring about a North American Union similar to the European Union. Governor Jeb Bush used money from the Patriot Act his brother, former POTUS George W Bush, passed after 911. The money was used to hire an army of jackbooted thugs to violently put down the protestors in Miami. How many Antifa are aware that a lot of the same people who voted for Trump are same people who protested against the Globalist FTAA? The screenshots are used under Fair Use Code 17 U.S.C. § 107. And the entire video assembled by Hopeseekr can be seen here.

This FTAA agreement was a pure Globalist ploy to essentially make an American Union of North and South America similar to today's European Union. Anyone who has read George Orwell's 1984 will immediately realize the similarity between this proposal and the 3 nation-states that are portrayed in that novel. But now is seems Globalists have switched tactics as their blatant ploy to disembowel the United States has failed with the election of anti-globalist Donald Trump.

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A pro-American Jobs protestor speaks at the anti-Globalist Rally while the FTAA talks commence in Miami in 2003.

The tactical change of the Globalists is obvious. Since they have lost real power in America they are resorting to a pseudo-grass roots movement to push their agenda. When Bush POTUS 43 was in office the internet was only beginning to be a problem for Globalist. MSM still ruled information. But in the aftermath of 911, the internet became a place for thinking people to begin to ask questions and get answers. And this dynamic grew during Globalist puppet Obama POTUS 44's time in office. Today, it has now reached such a groundswell that in 2016, it was the internet and free flowing information that was responsible for people waking up to the lies of MSM. And this directly affected the outcome of the US Presidential Election. And Hillary Clinton's nightmare and attempted Globalist takedown of the United State of America was miraculously avoided.

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Interesting that a video made in 2003 about the FTAA protests carries a moniker that is used by people interested in the free flow of information today. And as Alex Jones has used this phrase to identify his entire channel the irony de-platforming by Globalists hits you right between the eyes.

So it seems the Information War is something that has spilled out into violence before now. Luckily for #freedom loving Americans the #DeepState has lost control of their jackbooted thugs. Both military and police are now counted as the awakened as the vast majority of their numbers voted for Trump. It seems the same people who were supporting a Globalist Agenda unwittingly have since been informed by independent journalist in the face of blatant lies foisted upon them by MSM. Of course the Globalist still control MSM. But, it is obvious, Globalist are in panic mode as Southern District of the New York recently sent a letter to Barbara Honegger who represents the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. And in this letter she was informed that the reopening the 911 investigation will commence soon. This is huge news for anyone connecting the dots between Globalist Agenda and the impact 911 had on America. For instance, it is no coincidence that the FTAA meetings were conducted after 911 under the invitation of George W Bush.

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Mainstream media lying by omission yet again. This bombshell story was not covered by MSM. Thankfully, World Alternative Media hosted by Josh Sigurdson spoke with Richard Gage of Architects & Engineers For 9/11 Truth as well as Barbara Honegger about this watershed moment in US History. Screen grab from World Alternative Media used under Fair Use Code 17 U.S.C. § 107. You can see this important video in it's entirety here:

The connections between ignoring violent Antifa members by MSM and the rampant use of Hollywood propaganda, reflects how close the USA came to truly becoming a fascist state with the FTAA failure. The recent development with the 911 Truth Movement with regards to the different forms of propaganda are quite apparent to those of us in the information war. Please spread this blog post to educate those who do not yet get the big picture. It was only a few short years ago the attempt to foist an America Union failed to bring us under the jackbooted heel of the Globalists. And when you consider the shock and awe campaign that propelled us into a quagmire in Iraq, it is amazing we were able to dodge that bullet. The violent ways of Antifa are only Globalism's latest attempt to cause an overthrow of the United States of America. It is the United States's classical liberalism that put life, liberty, and happiness above the corporate ideals of totalitarianism that Globalists yearn for.

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But regardless of how MSM and Hollywood will use the accusation of racism and it's dangers to support censorship, the awakening of the masses is too strong for any true silence to have an effect. With #blockchain social media, the decentralization of information has thrown a wrench into the cogs of Globalist's information offensive. And sadly, Steven Spielberg and his Amazing film Schindler's List being remastered and re-released prove there is no filter for Globalist. They will use any tactic upon their zombie-like audience in the face of the awakening. The Great Awakening was, in so many words, cited by Hillary Clinton and Zbigniew Brzezinski as the greatest challenge Globalism has ever faced.

And to make sure we distance the Great Awakening away from opportunistic hate mongers who want to blame everything on "the Jews", lets be clear that by Globalist, we mean those who control centralized banking and fiat currencies. This is an important distinction because recently I became aware of a form of propaganda being spread that claimed the term "Globalist" was synonymous with "Jews". This information war needs to be loud and specific that anti-Globalism is not about the hate that drove Robert D. Bowers to the madness of his massacre. Anti-Globalism is about stopping what George Orwell wrote about in 1984. Anti-Globalism is about stopping what we were shown in the Hunger Games films. And it is censorship that twists reality into that term meaning anti-Jewish. And knowing that the obvious question is, "Who is committing censorship on Americans?", will point you in the direction of who we mean by the term "Globalist". When the fog from your mind clears and you have the answer you can see that is the people in charge of mainstream media and big tech who engage in censorship. It is censorship after all, that turns a blind eye, and allows genocide to be committed.

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Good post, but you are incorrect here...

....Spielberg's answer is that it was symbolic that Roosevelt and Churchill knew about the Holocaust and did nothing about it.

Internment camps were known about by the allies (dachau for example was being used before ww2 officially started)

Not sure where he is getting this idea, but it is the first time I heard it. And it's highly disrespectful to the Allies and the sacrifice made during World War 2. The truth is that no one knew about the genocidal horrors being committed on an industrial level by the Nazis.

Everybody knew exactly what was happening via the camps.

Even when the allies were entering poland, the allies were told specifically , to not bomb the fences of Auschwitz to free prisoners that were held there.

Just pointing that out.
Good post sir!

The Jewish people are (not the political zionists), are being exploited to the hilt, by the powers that be.

Thanks for the correction! My point of contention with Spielberg over saying that the Allies did nothing was that the motivations in Mainstream Media and the way he said it seemed aimed at the current anti-Globalist Patriot Movement. I will research what was known about the camps in more detail. But, I will accept your research now and admit that point was incorrect. Agreed on your last point.

See bud, told you so lol ;)

Yeah, well, maybe there are pyramids in Kentucky too!

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