ox childbearing similar to humans occurred in Lhoksukon Aceh.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Lhoksukon - A cow in Gampong Alue Abe, District lhoksukon, gave birth to a child with such a strange, Wednesday, February 8, 2017 at around 14:00 pm. Baby calf that was born without legs it has a rounded head and mouth.

"Yes, this afternoon there are bulls that gave birth to the child-like human infants. The cow was owned by M Nur or familiarly called What Nu. But the calf was dead, some time after the birth parent," said M Nasir.

According to him, the strange events that had appalling District of Lhoksukon. "Many residents Lhoksukon come to the site to see the calf's strange," he said. Meanwhile, Rajali, Lhoksukon City residents who claimed saw the calf was mentioned, black shiny calf that has two ears are small, has a mouth with a large round head. "Calves that do not have legs, but has a tail and no hair too. Last time I saw was dead,"
Source : http://portalsatu.com/read/news/ada-anak-lembu-berwajah-manusia-di-lhoksukon-24827
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