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RE: Meet A Hysterical Self-Appointed Pedo-Expert [Part 2]

in #news5 years ago (edited)

Yeah, sometimes it's not even worth it to attempt to reason with these self-appointed pedo-experts. They believe that everyone who disagrees with them is a serial child rapist or a closeted pedophile. After I first got hooked up to the Internet and became more active on social media so many years ago, I tried to talk these self-appointed pedo-experts down; but they have this thing called selective hearing and they're notorious for submitting frivolous complaints to Google, YouTube and other social media platforms against anyone who rubs them the wrong way. Nevertheless, it was still thoughtful of you to give Ariadna and Damian your emotional support back when they had needed it the most despite all the rubbish from self-appointed pedo-experts that you had to plow through. Anyhow, I have recently posted an article about a similar couple as Ariadna Juarez and Damian Gurrusquieta that first got together way back in 1956. They were Frankie Lymon and Zola Taylor. My Steemit article is titled "Was Zola Taylor Of The Platters A Cradle Robber?" Give it a read when you get a chance. :-)


When I get the chance I will have to look at that old message again i can put what it says when I get the chance. And yes they did need some emotional support back there Ariadana went through a lot to stay with him the both of them went through a lot. and being mocked on a daily bases and bothered by these people and let me tell you these people who claimed to be looking out for Damien well being and these pedo know it alls their behavior as much as I hate to say it but I have seen some things from them.

Their behavior was just as disgusting and disturbing to me as an actual real pedophile out there or an actual real child predator because these people would not leave them alone and it came to the point it seemed like borderline stalking! obsessive stalking of two people. These people would at every chance they did wait yes they would wait till Ariadna or Damien posted one thing up on their respective instagram pages and then proceed to attack them both like literally as soon as they posted something up even if the subject matter of said post had nothing to do with romance be it celebrating the holiday or just in general having a good time with one another they would attack. and what is worse half these people were not even actual followers of them or even interested in their respective er I suppose can say online careers and what their pages were about. it came to the point to wgere Daien and Ariadna just had to start blocking people or removing their comments. It was a mess I came out being more disgusted at how people can be than I would at as I hate to say it because those people are horiible pieces of human grabage too real pedos or child melestors and predators. That stalking like obsessive behavior that those people displyed was uncalled for especially when the two people in question want nothing more than to be left the hell alone. His mother was okay with it and for clear reasons Ariadna even had a lawyer saying the same thing and it should not had come to point where needed a lawyer I am sorry if I were in the same situation I would just ignore all them people as I do not have time to entertain stupidity but she went as far as to get an lawyer as soon as they got the update on all that was the signal to stop. and what his mother says is final if she okay with it, she okay with it and she knows Damien and I can see to an extent knew Ariadna as it is obvious they spoke. None of these people were there nor know these two or their families nothing. And yes I know what you are talking about there when you said trying to reason with or talk with these self appointed pedo experts leads to nowhere because most of those same things happened to me for disagreeing. I know one of them I ended up having to block from my page at one point because they decided to come over and comment on my stuff and come off rude and snide. Something along the lines of they said as I can still remmeber it off the top of my head they like the things I posted on my instagram page the little few things I did have posted and they enjoy the same things I do but since I am supportive of a ''pedo'' it is too bad we cannot be friends. First off after seeing your behavior I would not want to be friends with you in the first place especially after the rude way you came off.

and 2nd the thing that lead to getting them blocked was when they insulted my father in the worst way by coming back and saying he was a pedophile for getting with my mother when she was 16. For the first time I actually felt so infuriated that it was in both our best interests that the other person be blocked from ever coming back again or talking. That was actually the very first time I had ever had to block anyone for any kind of reason because at that point I was beyond disgusted. I could go on about the things I saw these people do who claim to be out for the best interest of people but they do more damage than anything and their behavior utterly disgusts me.

and even though the relationship did not last I am glad that Damien and Aridana stayed strong through the whole ordeal and did not cave to these people. they kept posting away and going about their lives which seemed to strike a nerve and infuriate these people even more and I could not be happier to see that it was a good way to stick it to them for once even if they were not aiming to do that and they were not but it was still priceless. That is how you do it do not pay any attention or make these people feel important or that they are bothering you as that is what they want so just ignore'em . I walked out of the whole thing being even more disgusted at how people can be and discovering just how cruel we as humans can be and about more other different people in this world it is quite ugly and I cannot believe these people get access to the damn internet.

Also I was not aware of that article of yours I did not even know that existed I will have to check that one out. oh ah you just now recently posted it that is why haha you are on a mini posting spree now I see which is a good thing for me.

Naglfar94? Yeah, sometimes the only thing left to do is block these self-appointed pedo-experts. If they started saying nonsense about your father when they've never even met him, then you were well within your right to block them. Otherwise, they would have never let up, because these people don't have a real life. I'm not concerned about any of these self-appointed pedo-experts saying anything derogatory about my father, because virtually nothing verbal ever scathes him and I realize that most of these people would be running away in fear if they were ever to come face to face with him. They sound big and tough on their keyboard, but these people are probably mostly scared, timid, little boys and frightened, little girls.

Believe it or not, I almost incorporated the information for my article regarding Zola Taylor and Frankie Lymon into my article above, but I decided that the story behind Zola Taylor and Frankie Lymon deserved a separate Steemit article of its own. I'm glad that I decided to write a separate article about Zola Taylor and Frankie Lymon, because today I was quite shocked to log into my computer and find out that that same article had been hit with a rainstorm of upvotes. That is, the most upvotes that any article of mine has ever gotten. That is a good thing, because it means that more people are starting to read my Steemit articles and spread the word about my war on collective ignorance. I don't know if this new wave of traffic to my Steemit channel will enable me to successfully stop Fraidy Reiss and Jeanne Smoot in their tracks. Those two witches have already done enough damage as it is, but at least people will begin to become more educated about the ulterior motives of these two women.

The voluminous traffic I've been getting on my Steemit article about Frankie Lymon and Zola Taylor has not really migrated over to my other Steemit articles quite yet as far as I know, but I guess I have to give it a chance. I'm anticipating that many of these same people who upvoted my latest article will be reading all my future articles, so that is a good thing, because I have many more articles to post about this subject matter and its likes.

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