The Truth About Sweden! The World IS Falling Apart and We MUST Talk About It

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Today is going to be a different type of post to what I would normally put out there however, I am a truth seeker and I have a deep desire to express and highlight the truth about the world we live in. The world is falling to pieces and very few people are actually talking about it.

I know not everyone is a Donald Trump fan, I am not what you would call a fan of him, however I am a fan of change and it just turns out that Donald Trump is THE tool to make this change, like it or not. 

As most of you have heard in the fake news, Donald Trump made a "boo boo" saying " ... and last night in Sweden ..." The fake reporters have jumped all over this reporting that nothing is happening is Sweden. WTF, who are their sources for their stories? Where are the hard facts? Do you not think the President of The United States is aware of events that we civilians aren't even aware of?

How can people be allowed to be absolved from charges of gang rape and murder just because of their nationality. Imagine the horror that poor girl/woman had to endure. 

Sweden's own nationals are reporting the truth about the country they live in as they can see first hand that the WHOLE WORLD IS BEING LIED TO.

Watch the three videos below. You can't deny the content in these videos.

Check out Paul Joseph Watson on YouTube
It broke my heart to watch the reporters being physically abused, a guy on a scooter even had to step in. A GUY ON A SCOOTER!?!

Check out Angry Foreigner on YouTube
This is by a Swedish national!

Check out Computing Forever on YouTube


I have no doubt that I will  receive backlash to this post, but that the price I am willing to pay for the truth. This is what I stand for, truth and respect, no matter what the cost. What do you stand for?

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