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RE: Alex Jones and my thoughts from over the years. More of the triangulation approach to news. Streisand Effect.

in #news7 years ago

You may have touched on how bias he is, but I claim he is just as bias as CNN.

Definitely not. He is not greenscreening and claiming to be in Iraq and Afghanistan.

He is not claiming to be on a conference with someone in another country to find out that both participants are actually simply standing in different places on the same parking lot.

He is not claiming to be at some huge feminist rally to only have someone snap a video on their cell phone showing a nice lit setup little square of pavement and using camera angles they make 10 people walking around in their boxed in area seem like a crowd.

He is also not using a teleprompter.

When you see undeniable video footage of someone flip flopping, thinking ahead of time it's "out of context" seems below you friend

I don't know that it was. I simply was playing devil's advocate. Also we all tend to go into things with some of our own internal bias. Many of those clips I saw would require internal bias looking for something that was not definitively there.

I also write to you as I am going. It kind of shares my thought process with you. So I can and do change my mind. I also saw it as giving you feedback... when you give me something that is a lot of different clips the only reasonable way I can respond is as I go, otherwise I likely won't remember certain things or be able to point out specific points in the video.

I figure you want honesty, which is what I am trying to give you.


@dwinblood Alex has claimed the FED is run by Muslims recently and Alex has claimed Arabs own Hollywood recently, but you're right he doesn't use a teleprompter! Is that a defense for making such idiotic statements? If you don't think that's as pathetic as CNN green screen (I surely do)

@dwinblood Alex has claimed the FED is run by Muslims recently and Alex has claimed Arabs own Hollywood recently, but you're right he doesn't use a teleprompter! Is that a defense for making such idiotic statements? If you don't think that's as pathetic as CNN green screen (I surely do)

I don't think it is as pathetic as CNN. I don't know anyone YOURSELF and MYSELF included that if we spoke as much as Alex does off the top of our head wouldn't say some stupid shit once in awhile. The teleprompter saves you from that. Hell in those cases they don't have to be even your own words. Your writing team can whip something up.

I don't view Alex as super human, so I expect mistakes a human would make. Especially when it is done on the fly.

If I am going to watch a fictional movie I'd like people to know their scripts. If someone is going to spout teleprompter babble at me I'd rather simply READ the script and save myself a lot of time. :)

@dwinblood Well we disagree on the level's of patheticness (I may have invented that word) and that's okay

The greenscreen and fabricating the scenes as though they were Iraq during an air raid and bomb sirens was 100% false and painted the entire thing as a LIE.

The same parking lot stating someone from New York was talking to someone in London (may not be the actual end points but they were far apart so I am using those for illustration) when in fact both parties were in the same parking lot was fabrication. It was a lie.

The setting up a stage to show a BIG protest that was in like a 10 meter by 10 meter box on the pavement taped off as though it was an actual protest was fabricated and a LIE.

Alex Jones saying something stupid, is Alex Jones saying something stupid.

So yeah I see a VAST different between the two things.

The CNN shit is planned and has a lot of budget behind it. There can be no excuse for it. It could only be knowingly done.

When Alex Jones says something stupid it generally wasn't planned.

So yeah, very big difference as far as I am concerned.

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