Oh they did it again... next channel... go get 'em tap 'em on the wrist... ooh I bet they stop now

in #news8 years ago (edited)

I noticed that even I am being desensitized to the stuff I am seeing on the news. This is happening when it is truly a very big deal. I watched a few Truth In media videos from Ben Swann as I like his style of reporting and then I went about my day.

Then I thought about MY actions.

Some truly monumental things are occurring, yet that is happening so often now and no one seems to be held accountable so I find myself just shrugging off and carrying on.

Am I the only one doing this?

There are some truly crazy things going on out there that people are not being held accountable and we just carry on with business as usual.

What would a day truly feel like in the world where we had a day of peace and good news? It has been so long since that happened that many people alive likely have never experienced it. I have been around to experience such things but it has been so long that they are becoming distant and fading memories.

Media likes to spin anarchists as this...

Source: wikipedia.com


Source: actionagogo.com

Yet that kind of seems like normal day to day occurrences around the world at the moment with our governments. Well in actuality many of the things going on might even be worse.

Since anarchy simply means without rulers. It need not be synonymous with chaos. Chaos tends to be what happens when you condition people to survive based upon a specific support structure and that support structure is ripped away.

So what is going on out there anyway?

One of the things I saw that is pretty huge and I kind of looked into it and shrugged it off is what is going on with Wells Fargo.

They created millions of fake accounts, damaged client credit, and stuck clients with the bills to the tune of over $5.6 billion dollars. They have been fined $190 million settlement for this crime, no one is in jail, or apparently being held accountable. This FINE is just slightly over a 3% fine. Let that sink in 3% for committing this crime, and no one goes to jail. That is a pretty damn good return on investment. If no one is going to jail, and the fine for committing the crime is 3% then why wouldn't they do it again? If I was shady executives which clearly these guys are then I'd certainly do this again. 3% is almost nothing. The government also gave the bank immunity for any other crimes that might be uncovered that happened during the time. $5 million of that $190 million is going to the victims of the crimes which amounts to about $25 each. The other $185 million goes to the oh so wonderful government of the United States of America. Gotta love that freedom. It sure feels good!

Here is Ben Swann's video on the topic. I am writing my own take on some things he mentioned and some other people, but I also will share his videos and information as they are good. If you want to know more... here you go.

Ask yourself this. Why did the government need any of that fine money at all? Shouldn't it have gone to paying back the victims? The people who had their credit tarnished, that paid overdraft fees on accounts that were not even opened by them? If you know Wells Fargo then you know a single overdraft fee is going to cost more than the $25/person that the $5 million the victims got. So why did the government need $185 million? How were they the victim? Since they gave immunity for other crimes that almost seems like a bribe or hush money... screw the victims. So those of you that like governments. "Who will build the roads?" Answer: Still the contractors that do it today, but some of them may have worse credit due to the prostitution going on between the banks and our governments.

The Debate

The debate between Clinton and Trump is all over the place. I have had enough of this as it is pretty obvious what is going on in the delusion of choice and the backing of Government. Pacify the people by making them think they are making a choice. Yet it is the choice between a turd sandwich, or a turd pie. Even if that were not the case it is still about the illusion of choice. Keep the masses pacified to the events going on in the world and their own government by making them think picking between the two mainstream media endorsed choices is all they need to do to be responsible.

I didn't queue into the debate a lot. I saw that Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux have a video where they talk about this at length if you are interested.

And some holy cow cool science news

In Germany scientists managed to test 1 Terabit internet speeds. That is huge, that is fast. Let us put it this way that is so fast it is faster than that hard drives storing information could keep up with. It'd need to be RAM to network speeds to truly take advantage of that as it is faster than what the access speeds of the Hard Drives and Solid State Drives can keep up with. As always this is a ways down the road so it will take awhile for that to impact us, but if we haven't managed to kill ourselves by the time it's ready the internet and what you can do on it is going to get way faster.

This image and link are for the article I read on this:


Still more cool news for Geeks like me

The IEEE through its support behind 2.5Gbps and 5Gbps speeds to be supported over Category 5e and 6 cabling. This means those cool Gigabit networks... Well now if you want to take advantage of these new speeds you'll likely need some new routers, switches, and network interface cards (NICs). Yet now if you have an internet provider offering you Internet speeds over 1Gbps it is actually possible to setup a network in your house with new equipment using existing cat 5e/6 cabling and be able to actually take advantage of those speeds.

Here is an article and image related to that news:



I don't usually do news specific posts. I was inspired to do this when I realized how casually I shrugged off what happened with Wells Fargo. I felt I needed to post something about that.

So why did I follow it up with some positive news?

That is one of my complaints about media today. They love to talk about the bad news, and there still are good things to talk about. Yet giving us hope, and happiness does not serve them as well as keeping us stressed, fearful and glued to their network to hear the next word about whatever we are afraid of.

So rather than be a hypocrite I decided to share some positive news as well.

Steem On!


The world government is priming humanities conscience to be able to engage in a world war of mutual destruction and profit while maintaining innocence.

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