Trump does interview / podcast. YouTube almost immediately deletes it

in #news3 years ago

The crazy thing about this story is that during the interview Trump predicted that the video would be taken down and that is exactly what ended up happening. The ironic thing is that during the hour-long interview Trump was talking extensively about how we do not have a free press in the United States and anything that the powers that be do not want the masses to consume, they delete it and that is exactly what YouTube did.


It was an interview with a group called the NELK boys on their podcast "Full Send." The interview was arranged by Dana White who is a mutual friend of both groups. It quickly garnered 5 million views on YouTube and within 24 hours YouTube had removed it completely citing it "violated our community guidelines." We all know why they really removed it though.


The thing about this that I find amusing is that I probably wouldn't have even heard of this interview had it not been for YouTube deleting it. I don't really pay much attention to podcasts in general and I use YouTube as little as possible since I think that Trump and many other s are correct in their accusations of YT being a very biased organization that just does whatever they want to. They don't really have any "community standards" they just pick and choose what will be allowed based on whether or not they like the overall message.

To this day many videos that I watch, normally on other platforms but they are also posted to YouTube, avoid simply saying the word "Covid" because doing so will result in the video being taken down or demonetized... how they are using the word doesn't matter, it is just a fear that even saying the word will trigger a bot that is going to flag and delete the video.

I found the *Full Send" interview on a wide variety of other platforms and no, I didn't listen to most of it. I just perused.

So if one good thing can come from this it is the fact that the censorship of the video is actually getting more publicity for both Trump and the NELK boys than it probably would have generated if they had just left it up. Maybe this will encourage more people to use other platforms because this is desperately needed. At the moment there are alternatives but until more people try to use them, YouTube is still king by a long ways. People need to start moving away from the big tech oligarchs and look at competitors because the government, or at least the government that we have now, isn't going to do anything about it since it is currently working in their favor.

Start using something besides YouTube if you can. This is the only way that anything meaningful about censorship is ever going to get done. If you would like to see the interview you can watch it on Rumble right here



"Maybe this will encourage more people to use other platforms"

Like 3speak/Hive and Steemit :)

Trump is a showman, and I equate his public "speak" to most politicians (regardless of party), CEO's, showmen and not useful information...or unproductive self promotional BS...therefore I avoid it.

That said, YT, Twitter, etc...banning him or any other something I don't abide.

So 3speak/Hive and Steemit are great solutions to this banning. So, I hope that he and others catch on. Plus, that will push the HIVE/STEEM prices up...and that's good for me :)

When I would listen to his interviews I would always think that unless it is scripted he ends up saying the same thing over and over again to the point where it is frustrating to listen to or changing the topic mid-sentence to the point where none of what he said made any sense. He certainly isn't a fantastic impromptu speaker but I agree with you about most politicians being showmen.

The interview in question did end up on other platforms such as Odysee and Rumble, but I don't know about the others. It would be nice if more people would cut the cord and move though because these days it seems that all they are interested in doing is bitching about YT's obvious bias when the market could adjust and move away from them. The people have the power, they just need to use it.

"they are interested in doing is bitching about YT's obvious bias...The people have the power, they just need to use it."

OMG, this nails it! My friend is very libertarian. He complains incessantly about centralized authorities, government's abusing power, freedom convoy participants being frozen out of their financial accounts, etc…

I then ask him if he holds Bitcoin; bought and used hive, steemit; etc…because those are viable solutions that mitigate those problems.

“No, the government will control that too,” is his answer.

You know the chronic complainers that always find problems with every solution?

I’ve learned that paying attention to what people do, rather than what they say, is a much better indication of their true beliefs. If he was truly worried about the X-Files UN Globalist overlords inheriting the Earth, then he would take active steps to mitigate his exposure. But he just wants to complain. So I don't take him seriously.

There are tons of people out there that just love to bitch. Bitching for the sake of bitching.

I've never accomplished anything in my life by just bitching about it. That is just personal experience.

I think social media especially the big ones that I wish people would walk away from are a large part of the problem. I remember back when I was in college and social media didn't exist. Actual activists existed then and they had to work hard to get their message out and also had to be extremely well informed to make any converts. These days people just complain and get on board with some particular channel or profile that does all of their thinking for them.

I can spot these people from miles away.... they will always use keywords that the media fed to them, and just like the good little parrots that they are, they repeat those same words that were not part of their vocabulary 5 years or even a year ago.

People need to stop trying to force Youtube to change, they have proven they have no intention of doing so and we really shouldn't be pushing to try to have daddy government force them to do so. There are tons of other options out there and all people have to do is fucking use them and the problem sorts itself out.

I've never accomplished anything in my life by just bitching about it. That is just personal experience.

Neither has anyone else. What they have gotten though is attention and the way people almost have mental-disorder levels of need for attention these days, their bitching and arguing with strangers on the internet is filling this hole in their lives. I honestly feel bad for these people.

I couldn't agree with you more. Social media is a big problem. And we're not the only ones that think this. Many founders and employees of the biggest social media companies have been coming out for several years saying it's a big problem, and it needs to be corrected.

I feel bad for “those” people as well. Not thinking for yourself is incredibly dangerous. It allows yourself to be manipulated by others for their personal gain, and your loss. That is tragic.

And even though these people might think that their exposure may be limited to online activity. It eventually seeps into their daily actions, the way they interact with people, in personal and professional life, how they prepare for emergencies, how they evaluate risk, what problems to focus on, etc…

And when people are spending energy/time in a direction that is adverse to their well being, they have little energy/time to spend in a direction that is beneficial to their well-being. And since energy/time is finite, they will never get that energy/time back. Not to mention the colleterial damage they have to clean up for their mistakes.

Nicely stated. I think there are going to be a lot of people with a lot of regrets about all the time they wasted with social media later in life. I know that I regret my participation in it for years and will admit that there were times in my life that I would get upset when a neat post I made on FB didn't get much of a response. I was also brutally attacked by strangers when I had a differing opinion. I know people who have had permanent falling outs with friends and family members over a comment on someone's profile.

One of the best things I ever did for myself was to stop participating in FB, IG, and thankfully I never really got involved with Twitter. More and more people are starting to leave social media and this is a good thing.


I stopped using Facebook before it got really virulent. But my wife and I have a friend that uses it continuously. And this friend is not a better person for it. She gets riled up about the most mundane and inconsequential things that random people impulsively spew out of their holes…which makes her anxious and upset.

Like the example you gave about family members, she had a falling-out with one of her family members over some political thing…aaahhh, politics, always bringing out the best in people :)

HIVE and Steemit are social media as well, but very benign compared to legacy social media. People are a lot more constructive and happier here. If they weren't, I wouldn't be here, lol.

There was a time when Steemit was used a lot more than it is now when arguments would get pretty heated but since for the most part people are anonymous there isn't a real opportunity for people to get personal because they don't actually know the person they are talking to in most cases. I think that is why things stay more civil here. The only bad thing that ever came out of it is the downvote wars based on political differences and that was a shame. That's all over now though, at least for now.

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