Stop it with the "Pelosi is done!" news

in #news3 years ago

I mostly pick on liberal outlets simply because there are a lot more of them. I don't think that conservative news sites lie any less than liberal ones do, the left-leaning ones just exist in much greater quantities. This doesn't mean that conservative sites don't have their daily dose of garbage reporting because they definitely do have that.

There are a couple of topics that Conservative Brief talks about on an nearly daily basis and Nancy Pelosi and how she is going to lose the gavel is one of their favorite things to talk about.


Something along the lines of that headline is something that Conservative Brief just keeps shoving down their readers' throats week in and week out. I think there are plenty of reasons to dislike Nancy - I know I don't like her but it seems like every time this lady says anything at all CB immediately gets the wheels turning on how she is going to be removed as Speaker of the House. Obviously, none of their fortune-telling has come true because it's been, something like 40 times that they have said that Nancy is DONE!

Nancy isn't done. Nancy isn't going anywhere unless she chooses to do so. Her own constituency keeps voting her in and she has such a strangle-hold on that position that for the most part she doesn't even get any realistic competition each election. Personally, I don't understand why nearly any Congressperson is elected over and over and over again when the whole lot of them don't ever seem to get anything accomplished but that is the nature of politics in America.


This article reads as though it was written by someone in their high school civics class and it is rife with wild speculation based on a factor that isn't really a factor in relation to Nancy.

The extremely funny thing about this article is that it focuses on how the Republican Party managed to raise a record-setting $105 million dollars during some time period, which probably has dedicated "Red or Dead" people hooting and hollering with misguided joy. Buried later in the article, which most readers probably didn't make it to since the average reader has the attention span of a goldfish, they actually admit that the Democrat Party actually raised more money with $106 million.

Ok, so if the assertion is being made that "more money = victory" then your headline isn't actually supported by the body of the article in question.

This stupid quote is featured in the article as well

“House Democrats are sprinting toward the exits because they know their days in the majority are numbered and we look forward to keeping up the pressure,”

I am not a fan of either party but I have more disdain for Democrats than Republicans... only just a little bit. But I can assure you of one thing for absolute certain: House Democrats are not "sprinting to the exits."

Author Jonathon Davis, as well as basically everyone else at Conservative Brief isn't in the business of reporting the news. He and his publication have taken up the reigns of doing the sort of news that normally is found in left-leaning sites like Mother Jones, Vox, and Huffington Post where they take what they want to be true and then simply fill in the blanks to make it so even if it is just someone's opinion that isn't supported by any real facts.

It is reminiscent of how when Trump was in power that there was a scathing article written about how "he is done" 20 times a day but this time the shoe is on the other foot.


Let's go ahead and have some fun with this though. If you do an image search for "Conservative Brief" most of the results are for comfortable underpants and honestly, that is probably more interesting than anything that the "news" website ever releases.

These sorts of articles aren't really helping anyone because the information is merely speculative and just feeds the hatred that people have for those with different political ideals. It also sends them out in the world with untrue information that many people will treat as fact even though it isn't. It's like someone said "It is better to be uninformed than misinformed."


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