Someone actually wrote a 1200 word article about Trump's "body language"

in #newslast year

The left's obsession with Trump is hilarious at times and pathetic at other times. For the past near decade, stories about everything you can imagine have been about Donald and a lot of them have been filled with tons of filler, heavily edited statements and video and outright lies. I hate the media on all sides of the political fence and believe that none of them are telling the truth about anything other that puff pieces, so I don't really have a horse in this game. I am like nearly 80% of Americans these days in that I don't feel as though the news is ever telling us the truth but instead, they have a political agenda and are pushing it. I think that most people with an IQ above room temperature can see that this is the case.

I do have to roll my eyes in awe at the stupidity of some of the articles that are written about the man and the great lengths they will go to in order to try to make literally anything that the guy does, look like it is something bad.


Trump recently turned up in NYC to face the arraignment hearings and of course the media went absolutely wild with it. Some of the articles simply discussed what they were allowed to talk about, which isn't much in a case like this, but others, perhaps attempting to set themselves apart from the pack decided to write a completely ridiculous article about how his body language shows he is losing power.

It should come as no surprise that this pathetic attempt at yet another hit piece against DJT was done by none other than Huffington Post, an entirely leftist news rag that I don't think anyone other than echo-chamber liberals actually reads. They are considered by most political affiliation website metrics to be one of the most left-leaning publications in existence (of the ones that people actually pay any attention to.)

The article is filled with "body language experts", one after the next, all of which, of course, stated that Trump's body language indicates that he is losing.


Also, what the hell is a "body language expert" anyway? Is this a college course I was unaware of? What qualifies someone to be an expert at this and is there any proof that anyone has ever been correct about any of this? To me it sounds like a bunch of hokum and if there are some people out there that somehow managed to turn this purported skill into a career, I really have to congratulate you on being to pull that bullshit off on the world. I think to most people this would be the same category of expertise as Reiki stone expert or Chakra interpreter.

It should come as no surprise that HuffPo has never written a "body language" article about anyone that is a Democrat and certainly not Joe Biden, whose language, as well as his body language doesn't really ever indicate anything good.

what would the body language experts at HuffPo have to say about this body language? We'll never know because they would never write a hit piece on a Democrat

Huffington Post is a garbage news outlet that is almost entirely OpEd and it is extremely evident what their opinion is going to be. I don't even need to read the full title of an article to know what conclusion they are going to come to - it's pre-determined. They probably have never been objective but they certainly never are in regards to Trump, body language or not.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that Huffington Post would make an article like this, because basically everything that they ever do politically speaking is simply doing their best to make their side look good and the other side look bad. I don't think it is very effective, I think it just make them look very


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