Scott Baio announces he is leaving California for real reasons - gets attacked for it

in #newslast year

The internet is not a friendly place. No matter what you put online you are bound to be attacked for it. I have heard stories of gardening groups on FB where the members end up saying absolutely horrible things about one another just because they disagree about what the PH of the soil should be for growing tomatoes. So the fact that a has-been actor states the obvious and why he wants out of California and then gets attacked for it online, shouldn't be a real surprise.


I think that for most people under 40 that when they hear the statement "Scott Baio is leaving California" their first reaction would be "who is Scott Baio?" Well, he was kind of a big deal in the 70's in "Happy Days" and the 80's with "Charles in Charge" but just like most people that were a big deal back then and of course most of the cast of "Happy Days" that was the beginning and the end of their careers.


It's difficult to imagine now, but the above was considered the apex of attractiveness back in the day. If you are feeling like you are on your high horse right now I implore you to back and look at photos of yourself 20 years ago regardless of how old you are. As a man, unless you are wearing a suit with a stock standard haircut, I can all but assure that you look ridiculous. I know I do in mine.

Anyway, Scott was always going to get attacked for what he said, even though what he is saying is true, no matter how much people try to deny it. He stated that the homelessness and crime in California is out of control and it just isn't safe to live there anymore.... or something along those lines.

He Tweeted many things but this was the one that got a lot of people triggered

homelessness brings down property value. Also no consequences for crime that is rampant, making things higher in price and it’s just not a safe place anymore.

The responses he got from Twitter were about as toxic as you would expect with people telling him "it's about time, GTFO" or "You will not be missed" and other cliché things that you would expect from a 5th grader or as I like to call it: "the average intelligence level of most Twitter users."

Scott is getting a lot more grief than the myriad of other people that have left California for the same reasons because he is an unapologetic conservative. He has stated many times that he always votes conservative so the reaction to him announcing that he is leaving getting a harsh response was expected, probably even by Scott.

When Matthew McConaughey, Mark Wahlberg, and Joe Rogan all announced they were leaving California for similar reasons, the drew some ire, but due to their political affiliation or the appearance of not really having a political affiliation, the blowback was far less toxic.

This story is dumb for multiple reasons. For one thing, it is dumb for Baio to announce he is leaving at all and the fact that he did so shows that he is struggling for relevance and this is also politically motivated. The response of nobodies on Twitter is dumber and the fact that people don't even want to address the issues that he is referring to as his reasons for leaving is dumberer. Just ignore it until it goes away.

I did like that when some random person Tweeted "You will not be missed" that Scott replied "Maybe not, but they’ll certainly miss the high taxes I pay!"

Political affiliation shouldn't be a factor in recognizing a very real problem such as the homeless issue in California, but unfortunately, just like everything else, it certainly does play a part. It is estimated that nearly half of the homeless population of the entire USA is in California, most notably in Southern California which is going to have one less rich resident once Scott heads for, I don't know where.

I was surprised to see how wealthy Scott is as he put his house on the market for nearly $4 million. Then again, I know very little about the real-estate market of California, so for all I know that could just be the price of a stock standard house.



Indeed (your very last point). You should see the mansions they had built around Boise, and still having money to spare

Twatter is the lunatic asylum of the internet. The format for publishing that limits users to 280 characters is a disincentive for elaborated thoughtful low time preference responses and an incentive for low brow, low IQ, high time preference jabs. I've read more intelligent responses from Quora trolls than Bluechecks on Twatter.

yeah, i'm not a fan myself and believe that Twatter is a big component of the decline of mental health that we are seeing so much of around the world, particularly in relation to politics.

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