Republicans request AG Barr assign special prosecutor to investigate Biden family

in #news4 years ago

This one comes from a news source that I normally think does their homework pretty well and makes some pretty great points, although they are obviously biased as hell.

This source is DailyWire and it is headed by none other than Ben Shapiro, who I think is one of the best debaters alive at the moment. However, I try to leave my own bias out of these things and instead report on dumb reporting.


In this brand new article, Emily Zanotti details how 11 Republican House members have requested that the Attorney General assign a special prosecutor to investigate the Biden's and more specifically Hunter Biden, who has lately been in the news for using and perhaps abusing his father's position as Vice President for personal gain.

While there will be a lot of talk and a lot of accusations from the right and a lot of denial from the left, this story is really stupid because of three reasons.

  1. There is no way Barr is going to appoint this prosecutor prior to the election and this is merely political theater
  2. Even if he did assign one, no one would actually get prosecuted (just look at the amount of time wasted on Hillary and even more resources and time spent on the "Russian collusion" thing
  3. Literally everyone with powerful family members uses their relationships to gain an advantage in business


Does this mean that I am defending Hunter? Absolutely not and I do believe that he is guilty of abusing his father's name and position for personal gain but I also think that everyone else does this and that there are certain people in certain clubs that will NEVER be prosecuted for things that would almost certainly land any of us in jail. Is it fair? Of course not, but whether or not you want to admit it, this is the way that the world works and likely always will.

The story goes on to say something just as ridiculous in that Democrats are suggesting that the laptop doesn't actually belong to Hunter, but that instead it was planted by none other than the Russians.

Anyone else tired of all political roads leading to Russia anytime Dems and Repubs collide? I know I am and wish that both sides would stop pointing fingers and realize that most sane people realize that politics is the dirtiest game in the world and both sides are guilty as sin.

While the Daily Wire is, I think, one of the better conservative media outlets in existence, the fact that this article ever saw the light of day does nothing to make anyone look good and the fact that the Republican lawmakers are wasting their time (and our money) drafting a letter that there is NO CHANCE will ever become and actual investigation, is just more examples of how useless our elected officials are.

I think one of the worst things that ever happened to news was the fact that the internet made news something that just anyone can contribute to and now since there is so much out there that people will just make speculative stories such as this one when I am sure that Emily Zanotti, Ben Shapiro, and everyone else over at The Daily Wire realizes that nothing is going to come of this.

The article is a waste of time and unfortunately there are a lot of people dumb enough out there to believe that this laptop will actually go anywhere. It is clearly a hit piece on Joe Biden - as if we needed any more reasons to believe that he is a terrible candidate for President. Therefore, this story, coming from a news source that I normally give a lot of credit to for doing at least reasonable journalism goes into the ever-growing stack of....


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