Occupy Democrats: Unfortunately where a lot of people get their news
I don't really play the social media political argument game. It is a pretty terrible thing to be involved in for most people and honestly, I've never seen or heard of anyone changing their political viewpoints because of some discussion in the comments over a political post. I have on the other hand seen people that have falling outs with friends and family members just because one person like the reds and one side likes the blues. While I do not participate in these discussions I am an observer because it is just fascinating to me that almost everyone, on both sides, seem to be horribly misinformed on whatever the topic happens to be.
I can tell by the formation of their sentences where it is that they get their news or information from and as I am hopeful that most people out there understand by now, these news sources... almost all of them, are incredibly biased and not at all interested in telling a real news story. They want to manipulate viewers and sadly, they have been largely successful in this, especially in the United States.

Occupy Democrats is such a treasure trove of half truths, misinterpretation or misrepresentation of statistics, as well as just outright lies that it is saddening to me that it is one of the most popular political FB pages in existence.
As is said in their comments regularly they really should change their name to "We hate Trump" Democrats because it is basically the only thing they ever talk about over there. One would think that a page that celebrates Democrats would occasionally feature something GOOD that a Democrat has supposedly done, but that is not often what goes on there.

Something like this is common on their page as well. I'm not saying that all sides are not guilty of this because they definitely are but you don't have to be terribly clever to know that these are intentionally misrepresented statistics that conveniently leave out factors such as that most of these jobs are actually people RETURNING to work from lockdowns. If you dig into the data far enough you will see that they reluctantly admit that this is the case.

Their yellow, black, and white mockups are common with their postings and again, while almost any politician has skewed employment numbers to make themselves look good, these sorts of claims are easily debunked. The problem is that the people who subscribe to nonsense pages like this one don't appear to be interested in the truth at all, they just want their side to be right, even if by doing so everything they are talking about is a lie.

While not nearly as popular, there is another FB page called "Occupy Democrats Logic" that spends a great deal of their time pointing out how virtually everything that the other page posts is nonsense. This is only mildly better than the original brainwashing page though because obviously the comments section is filled with people that already agree with one another and therefore there is never any sort of meaningful discussion, just a bunch of virtual high 5's of banal comments that accomplish nothing.
While I honestly don't believe that there actually is a reliable place to get news at all I would say that social media is probably the worst possible place to get it. I think you are probably better off not knowing anything that is going on than by attempting to get your information from somewhere like this.
Politics has become so absurd and toxic in the USA that most people are just starting to check out and not bother with it at all and honestly, that is probably better than all of this bickering nonsense that is going on now.

The Rivero Brothers here in Florida owns OccupyDemocrats. I've had interactions with them on Facebook commenting directly to them a few years ago. They blocked me off of all their accounts on Facebook after I kept calling them out for publishing their ignorant propaganda.
It was a hilarious fiasco, I believe it was Rafael that personally messaged me and was the one that got triggered enough to block me.
I've heard from many people that they block anyone with dissenting opinions and delete comments. That way they can keep their echo chamber intact.
I've never met the Rivero Brothers in person, but I've had plenty of interactions with them when I did have a Facebook. In my older Twitter accounts, I've also interacted with them, but I haven't been focused on calling out their news organization in years.
well I think it is a waste of your time and energy to even bother calling them out.
Job numbers don't mean anything unless you look at participation rates, which haven't recovered from the pandemic.
And of course, the actual numbers are misleading (if not outright deceitful) because the total jobs "created" include those that came back
exactly... and any logical person would easily understand this. I think the people that repost this sort of crap are willfully blind.