Is Trump baiting the media again?

in #news4 years ago

In the past week the United States President announced to a group of reporters that he was taking the controversial drug hydroxychloroquine and the media and the usual suspects in the Democrat party immediately pounced on him.

CNN, NYT, WaPo, and insert just about any publication that Yahoo news aggregates and their reaction was the same: "Bad Trump!" despite the fact that he is doing so at the advice of his doctor in very controlled dosages as a precautionary measure.

Whether or not it is actually true that he is taking it or not is anyone's guess but the way that the media responded to this was so predictable that it is funny and a but sad at the same time.

Think about it for a second: What if Trump had said "Oh I'm not going to take hydroxy because I don't need to" or "I'm not going to take hydroxy" the idiotic media that exists in the USA would have pounced all over that as well because I don't know if you live with blinders on but the media doesn't care what the man says, they are going to attack it no matter what.

I don't know what to think about hydroxychloroquine but because of the way the media operates in the USA we will likely never find out. Any good results from it are suppressed or buried by the media and any failures (no one ever said it was a miracle cure that always works) are highlighted with panel discussions for hours at a time - normally with the end result being to point the finger at Trump somehow. The most widely cited case study wasn't a case study at all and the drug was administered at a V.A. hospital to 20 or so very old and extremely sick patients without giving the zinc or something that proponents say is essential to its effectiveness. When these patients failed to jump out of their beds and demand to go on field trips like in the film "Awakenings" the media declared the drug a complete failure.

No matter where you stand on this pill, you have to admit that the only reason why the media is so against it is because Trump is for it. That is all there is to it. If he had said he doesn't think people should take it, it would likely become some sort of mandatory pill in California and New York.


However, I don't get made about this sort of reaction out of Trevor Noah, Steven Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, and more minor hosts as well because it is just their only gimmick at the moment. I don't get upset when CNN goes after him or when Fox defends him (with a few minor characters they throw in there that are against him to at least appear to be fair and balanced) because this is just how the media is now. I can't help but wonder if Trump is aware of this and simply throws these things out there because he knows how they are going to react. He knows they are going to implode over his own personal choice to take a drug at the recommendation of his doctor - and then like clockwork, that is exactly what they do.

And then in the meantime, belief in the media drops further and further every day. Are they playing into his hands? Is he actually smart enough to be playing them because whether or not you like or dislike Trump, you can't deny that the media has been exposed for the hacks that they are in the past 4 years.

I classify this as "dumb" because it is just so easy to see what is going to happen when he says something like this. Like a RomCom where you guess exactly what is going to happen just by looking at the poster, it is very easy to predict what the media reaction will be to anything that he says based on the logo in the bottom corned of the screen.


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