Indiana man arrested for drunk driving a PowerWheels Jeep

in #newslast year

Indiana isn't going to let Florida have all the crazy dumb glory and this story is one that really caught my eye for a number of reasons. For one thing I have to admire the durability of Power Wheels toy cars to be able to sustain the weight of a grown man, but I also have to roll my eyes a bit at the fact that police officers would arrest someone for driving a plastic car that has a maximum speed of a few miles an hour, drunk or not.

Obviously this is not the man in question

I don't know specifically what Power Wheels he was driving, but based on the image above you can probably imagine that the dude must have been really crammed in there seeing as how these toys are barely big enough for a child.

This happened not in Florida as you would expect, but in a place in Indiana called Vincennes and if you have never heard of that place, get in line because neither has anyone else. John McKee's mugshot was released soon after because that is the way mugshots work. They become part of the public record as you might have noticed with one particular ex President recently getting his mugshot taken as well.


Looking at this picture I can't imagine how it was that the officers were able to determine that he was under the influence. Seems like a perfectly normal dude to me! Turns out John was not just drunk but also had marijuana and wait for it......... METH in his system as well. There always seems to be a common denominator in these crazy police reports. It's always meth. I personally have never done meth but it must unlock a special part of your brain where all sensibility just flies out the window.

That being said, I don't agree with the officer's decision to arrest John in the first place and a semi-competent lawyer will likely be able to plead this case rather successfully in court, should it even go that far. While the officers claimed that the Power Wheels was "difficult to see" on the road and well, that is a matter of opinion. To me, this sounds like police just harassing someone that isn't actually bothering anyone and it wouldn't surprise me if they actually know the guy and were just looking for any old reason to book him.

Seeing as how the population of Vincennes is only 17,000 people, I would say that a guy like John is probably well-known among the populace.

I understand that meth and weed are illegal and so is driving under the influence but this guy was operating a plastic toy on what is bound to be a road that almost no one travels on seeing as how almost nobody lives in that city at all. To me, this seems like police harassment and a proper "protect and serve" police force would make sure that John was ok and help him to get home. If he was creating a nuisance you could just have some fun with him and makes some jokes, maybe give him a ride home and put the Power Wheels in the trunk. Maybe John was just having some fun and I guess that isn't allowed in Vincennes.

Putting him in jail isn't going to help anyone IMO.

Since the original objective of this blog was to report on bad reporting there is a little bit of that in this story as well. This story was from a professional local news station that is an affiliate of ABC.


Seriously guys, do a tiny bit of spell-checking and editing before you hit that "post" button.
