Huffington Post has written over 60,000 stories about Trump

in #news3 years ago

Unless you are living in denial, you know exactly where the Huffington Post stands as far as politics go. Some websites that rate Huffpo as "slightly left" are themselves leftist publications because everyone with an IQ over room temperature in a Swedish basement knows that Huffington Post has only one stance when it comes to politics and that is FAR over on the left.


The Huffington Post, like most news organizations outside of the mainstream, is failing. It has been up for sale since 2019 but honestly, who is going to buy it? Their articles are foregone conclusions after you read the headline if whatever they are talking about is even remotely political and for the most part, regardless of where someone stands politically, a majority of people are sick and tired of news organizations that lack any sort of objectivity - and The Huffington Post is the very definition of such an organization.

There are 5618 pages of stories about Donald Trump in the Huffpo archives and they go back a very long way. To be totally transparent and honest, I will admit that not all of these stories are hit pieces and they didn't just start talking about the man once he was running for President. I didn't try to hunt down the exact page that the articles started to be all negative about the man, but I narrowed it down to around page 5000


The pages going back as far as 5500 talk about Trump in a negative sense as well but that was before anyone really thought he could win. Some of the articles were actually celebrating him because he was seen as a popular candidate that would damage the GOP and they were finding humor in the way that he handled the Republican Primary debates in an unconventional manner. Needless to say, as time went on and it started looking like he was going to beat Hillary, which of course was probably the biggest darling of HuffPo in the lifetime of the new organization, all the coverage became completely negative hit pieces.

There are between 10 and 12 articles featured on every page so I want you to think about the math here for a second folks. The Huffington Post dedicated nearly 50,000 negative articles in the direction of one person over the course of 5 years. They are still writing several articles a day about the man despite the fact that he is no longer a government official.

That's 27 negative articles about Trump


I don't think there are many people out there that treat HuffPo as any sort of serious source of news but rather, use it as a reconfirmation of their echo chamber ideals especially in a political sense. They have exactly zero objectivity in their "reporting." I don't know if that organization ever had any sort of credibility, but they certainly do not now.

Nobody in their right mind would pay any money for this organization and well, they, and many other "news outlets" like them did this to themselves.

They have been, and likely always will be .....



reconfirmation of their echo chamber ideals

I know a great many people who think Huff is real news, BECAUSE it confirms their echo chamber ideals.

I saw the same thing happen on all leftist MSM, including the NYTimes. That publication had several Trump hit pieces on its front page every single day from early 2016 until very recently - they kept it up for quite a while, even after the armed insurrection by insurrectionists who showed up without any weapons. The covid con has supplanted Trump hit pieces.

Can go over to the flipside of this and read just about any Brietbart article and it is the same thing in reverse. If I ever see someone quote a Breitbart article I know they are stuck in "the chamber" and objectivity is not something they are interested in or possibly even understand.

Breitbart and Huffpo are essentially the same thing but if you look at those charts that show the media bias, Breitbart is placed far over on the right, whereas Huffpo is treated more as centrist, which is complete bullshit.

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