Does Conservative Brief even care about their articles?

in #news3 years ago

The Conservative Brief is exactly what its name says so I suppose it isn't too shocking that they only focus on the conservative side of a story. This is nothing new in digital media these days and I would say that even though I don't have a lot of respect for their organization from a journalistic standpoint, they could at least do some editing of their articles before they put them online.

How can a news organization be taken seriously when it is quite evident that they didn't even proofread it before they put it out to the public. This wouldn't be tolerated in an 8th grade English class yet it is acceptable for a national political news organization with millions of readers?


The article was about how crowds are heckling Kamala Harris at speeches that she has been delivering in front of audiences that are in friendly areas where heckling wouldn't be expected such as rallies for other Democrat candidates or in areas that are well known to contain nary a Republican such as Brooklyn.

The story itself isn't really that important because since it was authored by The Conservative Brief and is about Kamala Harris you already know that it is going to be a hit piece.


I had to read that a couple of times and rub my eyes to make sure that I wasn't having a stroke when I realized that nope, they actually printed that. Of course a standard spell-checker isn't going to catch this but the fact that it made it to "print" shows that the editors over there simply don't care. This wasn't the only mistake and not the worst one either.

While it is a minor issue it is worth noting that "Governor" is capitalized but "vice president" was not capitalized inside of the same article

Not noticing this suggests to me that author Carmine Sabia didn't even read this before it was submitted. It is surprising to me that this made it through because contained elsewhere in the article there are multiple sections where he is quoting someone who is speaking in broken sentences and this can be very complicated to pull off with correct punctuation. Perhaps he was so focused on this that he couldn't pay attention to much else.

It doesn't really matter what the reason was, this sort of thing is kind of unacceptable in journalism. When I was working as an unpaid staff member of the college newspaper I worked for I would have been rather severely reprimanded for allowing things like this to slip by me and I was the lead editor for several dozen articles for every edition of the paper.

It is difficult to take media seriously for a lot of reasons these days and I suppose it is fitting that it doesn't even appear as though they even read their own articles before putting it out there for public consumption.

I don't like Conservative Brief because even though they are part of the yin-yang of extremely biased news that I believe the left made necessary, they could at least do a little bit of proofreading before they put these things out there. It was already a dumb article because the reaction is one of "who cares?" anyway but by releasing it in a state that isn't even grammatically correct... that just makes it more....


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