Democrats scrambling to reshape federal government before Trump takes office

in #news8 months ago

AP was compromised a long time ago if it even was ever a reliable source of any sort of truth. These days however everything they publish is very far from unbiased. From their endless protection and ignoring of the fact that Biden is a terrible President to the way that they simply ignore any newsworthy event that paints liberals in a negative light, to their unwavering support of lockdowns and Covid mandates, they are truly one of the worst news agencies to pay any attention to. I'm not saying there are any "good" ones to pay attention to because aside from a few truly unbiased minor publications out there that nobody pays any attention to, both conservative and liberal media is completely biased and filled with half-truths at best and outright lies at worst.


I spent a lot of my youth thinking that AP was some sort of actual association of the press where thoughts and opinions from all sides would be built around something that can be verified with actual facts. When I was in my work and particularly in the past 10 years, I came to the realization that not only are they the same sort of propaganda outlet that Fox and CNN are, but they are even worse in a lot of ways.

They try to hide behind the fact that they are "not for profit" but as someone who knows multiple people who have become very wealthy hiding behind the non-profit and non-for-profit categorization, I realize now that this is simply a trick that companies use to enrich their "workers" rather than a group of shareholders. It's essentially the same thing only they don't have dividends or things like that. There is absolutely nothing stopping them from overpaying executives or using company funds for private jets and other such things. I have no individual proof of this actually happening but when there is a massive company that operates what they refer to as "news bureaus" in nearly 100 countries, you can be assured that they aren't poor and simply doing a public service.

Recently, AP outright endorsed the establishment of certain safeguards that completely overhauls how the US government operates simply because of a threat that Trump made about eliminating certain parts of the government and replacing them with nothing. The AP article in question focuses entirely on the amount of jobs that would be lost because of this and attempting to paint these workers in some sort of innocent light as if they were saintly type individuals who are barely putting food on the table - which by the way is a political expression used by both sides that I absolutely loathe.

The article is entitled "Trump wants to fire thousands of government workers. Liberals are preparing to fight back if he wins" and it does what AP always does and attempts to portray The Don as some sort of evil overlord while anyone that he is against is made out to look like an innocent hero of the people.

If anything all this image does is make me think they need to do something with their grounds keeping team... clean that place up!

Their thumbnail image is that of the Office of Personnel Management and then go on to say almost nothing about this agency other than the fact that it is like "Human Resources" at a company. Well, that's a great way to get basically anyone who has ever had a job to agree to dismantle this Office. Anyone that has ever had a job knows that HR is one of the worst parts of the company to be forced to interact with and their staff are some of the most useless in the entire organization. This has become particularly true in recent times when all HR departments seem to be focused almost entirely on diversity and equality, rather than actually taking care of the employees in the company.

The AP article is just pathetic in that they are basically saying that they know that Biden is going to lose and that a large group of "activists, advocates and legal experts" are preparing to make sweeping changes to the country to limit Presidential power before 2025. Now if these activists were truly interested in having these changes being made and really believed they were just then why wait until now to do that? It's because they don't actually want these changes to be made to limit ALL presidents of their power, just to limit the ones that they don't like.

In the article, author Will Weissert invokes a sense of urgency for the White House to act quickly to "protect Biden's accomplishments" should Trump win a second term. What accomplishments would those be exactly? Well, Weissert doesn't mention a single thing. Can you name one of Joe's accomplishments? Now try to do it without using the word "Trump" at all.

In Will Weisert's profile and collection of past articles you can see that he simply fawns over anything that liberals, including and especially Biden, ever do, and lambasts conservatives whenever he can.


Just look at this guy. You could show me just a picture of him and ask me what I think his political leanings are and I would have been able to do so with relative accuracy. I don't mean to be rude but why is it that all liberal journalists have that same look?

His appearance aside, Will talks about things that could potentially be done to prevent Trump from doing things before he even has the office including the spurious use of executive orders to limit future Commander in Chief capabilities with the military. Does he not realize that these same executive orders could simply be overturned by another executive order?

The thing that makes me most upset about Will's portrayal of a completely hypothetical situation under a Trump 2nd term is that he never even addresses the fact that a lot, if not all of these government workers, may in fact be something that doesn't actually serve any real purpose in the government and whether or not their positions are even needed or warranted.

The US, the last time I checked, was $33 trillion in debt so I think it would be prudent to at least have a look at where we could cut a bit of waste. Any company would do the same but most liberals and certainly liberal journalists seem to think that having a budget of any sort is pure silliness and that everything the government does is somehow magically "free."

Will Weisart fails badly at presenting a real story here and instead just tries to pull at the heartstrings about people "losing their jobs" when it should at the bare minimum be looked at to see if they and their jobs actually serve any sort of constructive purpose outside of them getting a paycheck. But then again, this is the AP, so of course they are not going to do that.



gotta protect your allies. In all fairness, I'm sure conservatives would oppose a netly good program (if it exists) coming from a Democrat

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