Daily TDS count on Yahoo. Trump: 46 Biden: 14

in #news2 years ago

Yahoo's obsession with Trump is pretty amazing. During his administration virtually every article on their one and only aggregate page was dedicated to bashing DJT, these days they have stepped it back, but only just. When perusing the front and only page visitors will be treated to many articles about things that are meant to be about what is going on all around the world but alas, all too much of it is dedicated to the person they hate the most - Trump.


It is articles like this one that round out a majority of any article that features the name Trump and go ahead and read those words and then ask yourself this: "Without reading the article, do you think that Trump made a threat of violence towards McConnel?"

Well that is what they are trying to get readers to believe. At no point in the things that Trump said did he threaten violence against Mitch but simply stated that the guy has a "death wish," which is a common phrase that people use that doesn't necessarily mean that the person wants to die or will be killed or ever harmed. It simply means that someone is doing things to damage their own life or career... but you already know this I hope.

As far as the racism aspect of it is concerned he referenced Mitch's Taiwan-born wife in a social media post and called her "China-loving." I have no idea if she does love China or not, but again, the headline is misleading but then again, outlets like Rolling Stone call almost anything racist.

Back to Yahoo: The fact that our ex-president has 3 times as many articles written about him than the current one kind of say a lot about how much the media is molly-coddling Joe Biden. When Joe accidentally accused Elton John of being responsible for AIDS recently, there were no articles featured about that. It was obviously just one of Joe's frequent gaffes but I'll say this right now with absolute certainty: If Trump had said that, or even eluded to it accidentally, there would be round-table discussions on all the networks and websites for DAYS.

All of the articles about Trump are negative, as I would expect, and the few articles that feature Joe Biden at all are far more factual and appear to praise the man for wise and generous decisions


There are others about how student loan debt forgiveness isn't going to happen but not because of Joe and another one about how Joe is responding to Cuba's plea for financial help. I can't help but feel as though the last one was written in order to make things about race again since the D's are losing support in the Hispanic community. There's a lot of Cubans in Florida after all.

Yahoo is a terrible place to go for any news but if someone out there is one of the many people that absolutely hate DJT, I suppose it would be a good place to go in order to get your daily hate-fix. I didn't read all the articles because I already know what they are going to be like. There is going to be a quote from someone that also hates Trump and that person's words will be treated as fact even if there is no supporting evidence. They will also get the "fact-checkers" out of the woodwork to rebut anything that Trump or his team have to say.

I don't know anyone that takes any news like this seriously and I guess that is a good thing. The sad news is that there are a lot of people that still have their blinders on and when they see an aggregate like this they might make the conclusion that Trump is not popular. He is very popular though, and it is precisely because of news sites like this that he remains as such.

If someone out there does allow stupid news sites like Yahoo to dictate what they know about what is going on in the world I would highly suggest you simply stop trying to pay attention to the news and maybe pick up a hobby or study a foreign language. Just do literally anything else other than read that drivel and I guarantee your mental health and overall quality of life will improve.


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