Daily TDS count at Yahoo: Trump-9, Biden-2

in #news2 years ago

Yahoo's obsession with the ex-president continues and their avoidance of talking about anything related to the current president does falls into the same trend.

On their main news page which includes their top stories from all walks of life including sports, finance, entertainment, puff-pieces, and of course politics, their coverage of Trump dramatically outnumbers stories about the man who actually has power right now.


It should come as zero surprise that all of the Trump pieces are negative hit-pieces and the ones about Biden do everything in their power to make him look like a wise and sensible leader even though anyone that has ever heard the man talk in the past year knows that he is anything but that.

One thing that I find amusing is that when they do talk about either of these guys they tend to use stock photos and of course they find the least flattering pictures they can of DJT and the best ones they can of Biden.


Most of the time, and no, I didn't actually read all the articles, the images they use are not even from the topic in question. It is all just a tactic that the media uses in order to try to get you to feel a certain way before you even read what the article is about. I would like to think that most people are smart enough to see through this but I feel as though there are enough people that are dumb enough to buy into this trick of the trade for it to still be somewhat effective in its deception.


The total number of articles on the front page of Yahoo News about either man is 11 and as I stated in the title, 9 of them are about Trump and a mere 2 of them are about Biden. It shouldn't be a huge surprise though since Yahoo very rarely features articles that are written by conservative sources and they themselves only write a little bit of their content and also lean very far left.

The end result is that anyone that goes to Yahoo to actually learn anything isn't going to because virtually anything politically related on their site is all op-eds told from only one side of the political fence. I sincerely hope there aren't many people that do go to Yahoo for information. The company numbers and stock value would indicate that this number is very small and continually dropping.

I, like most of the world, do not go to Yahoo for very much anymore and it is hard to believe that this company was once a leader in the tech and information industry. What little influence they have in the marketplace is dwindling yet they still continue down a very partisan line that all but insures that they will remain irrelevant as they seem to only be interested in catering to Trump-haters.... as if there wasn't enough news organizations that were already exactly like this.


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