Conservatives make misleading / fake news as well

in #newslast year

When you hear the term "fake news" I think that most people probably think of liberal leaning organizations. I don't side with either party and feel like if the topic matter at hand can be considered even slightly political, you can be guaranteed that the outcome determined by the publication that you are reading or watching the news on was already determined by that publication's political bias, not by what the actual facts are.

The people who make these things are also very aware of the very short attention span of the average person in the world and realize that a headline and a picture is far more important in manipulating public opinion than it is to have actual factual information in said article. As has been proven in recent times with Rittenhouse vs many different publications and with Fox News paying out nearly $800 million in defamation charges, the news agencies aren't going to lie as badly as they have been doing in the past but this is only because they fear the charges. Now, they have to be a bit more creative when they are making their articles so that they don't actually say anything bad about a person or thing but rather simply imply it with the headline and a carefully chosen photo.


Go ahead and try to figure out what the article by Conservative Brief is about based on only that headline and photo. If you are a conservative you probably nearly jumped out of your seat with glee because you thought that Chuck Schumer is not going to seek another term. Actually, conservative or not that sort of thing should make you excited since he is one of the most disingenuous politicians alive and working in America today - but I suppose that is only if you think that politicians should have some sort of ethics. Schumer is devoted to his party, that is for sure, but his tactics of fake tears and flip-flopping on positions should irritate anyone out there that is at all interested in having some sort of actual order in politics.

Schumer is not the point here though, because as difficult as it would be to believe that news stations / publications would EVER be intentionally misleading, the article that this link leads to has nothing to do with Schumer at all!

Schumer isn't going anywhere and his name isn't even mentioned in the article. Not even once.

Now this would be considered terrible journalism but it can't be because the person who is retiring actually is in that picture. His name is Ben Cardin but you have probably never heard of him because although he too is a "straight down the party line" type of guy, he doesn't get the media attention that other Senators get by sucking up to the cameras. I am rather indifferent towards Cardin and don't actually know a great deal about him. I just know that he always votes with all the other people that have a (D) next to their name.


If pressed as to why they put a picture that is clearly focused on Chuck Schumer and not the person who is actually retiring I would bet that Conservative Brief would probably say something like that they didn't have any good images of him to use, which is clearly BS because this story is also being covered by dozens of other organizations and the funny thing is that some of the other conservative ones also used pictures of Cardin standing with someone else more reviled. The liberal leaning publications all used photos of Cardin himself.

It's just so frustrating to me the see that now that the new organization are being held to at least some sort of level of being honest that they will still lie, cheat, and steal as much as they can possibly get away with. I wonder how many conservatives around the world only read the headline and at this very moment in time are telling all of their friends that "Crying" Chuck Schumer is retiring - even though that is not the case at all.

Another fun aspect about the article about Cardin's retirement is that they spend about 1/3 of it talking about Cardin, then go off on a 2/3 rant that has nothing to do with Cardin at all but rather just rambles on about the shortcomings and gaffes of Joe Biden. If you want to write an article about the very problematic Joe Biden then write an article about that! Why hijack your own piece about a retiring senator only to have most of it be completely unrelated to him? I know the answer to that already: It is because all news organization don't care at ALL about reporting any actual news. They are simply trying to program the masses.

Either read articles or ignore headlines. Hell, you would probably be better off to just not look at any political news at all, conservative or liberal. No one is going to tell you the truth anyway.


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