FaceBook/Google/Twitter/CNN move toward BAN on "fake news" including conspiracy theories & unpopular ideas

in #news6 years ago

Here we have some pundits (names don't matter) on a mainstream news site (doesn't matter which). What really matters is the talking points, the 'new normal' the mainstream is putting forth to the public.

FaceBook now fully admits it censors, hides, and shadow-bans people and groups. That's out in the open now, but until recently it was considered a conspiracy theory! It's yet another thing I've been saying for years. Many reacted by saying I was discrediting myself with such outrageous conspiracy theorizing. Here's ANOTHER "I told ya so!"

This censorship explains why @GirlsofGreen is so restricted there. They can't really ban us because we're not breaking rules, but they don't like our political viewpoints so they hide our content. It's almost impossible to give away high-quality photos and videos of gorgeous Canadian stoner girls smoking and dabbing great weed! You'd think it would be worth a lot of money to somebody especially now that it's legalized here, but on FB, we can barely find an audience. We grow much faster (and organically) on Steemit, and actually get paid here!

If you listen to the whole clip with CNN's Stelter, you find FaceBook, Twitter, Google, and the other mainstream sources are sending a few clear messages. Paraphrased:

  1. We already censor, hide, and shadow-ban certain stories, people, and groups.
  2. All conspiracy theories (and unpopular ideas) are "fake news".
  3. Posting anything deemed "fake news" is directly harming (poisoning or infecting) others.
  4. All "fake news" should be deleted and blocked entirely, not just hidden.

Essentially what's happening here is the elites are setting up the scene and acting out the plot of the book "1984" by George Orwell. How many of you out there have read this book? I'm not asking if you know of it, or have read parts, or know the main plot. Have you, as an adult, read it from start to finish?


Sometimes things rhyme, and sometimes they're fuckin' word-for-word. Somebody has a sense of humour, that's all I have to say about it!


That's my personal copy. It was printed in 1949.

Orwell either knew the future, or somebody(s) in the present is very familiar with the world of 1984, and is "writing it in" to current events and the advance of totalitarianism.

Today, things are truly "Orwellian". In 2018, Orwell himself would be considered "fake news", and censored or deleted, just like this post.


PS: Never seen this "Stelter" before, but what a piece of shit! He's supposedly a journalist, and the twerp in front of him says 'we should outright delete anything deemed false, not just censor it'... and he shrugs it off? You idiot, that was your chance to actually be a real journalist, and stand up for the people and say very clearly "we shouldn't be censoring anything, let along deleting it, because our duty is to report the facts to the public so they can make their own opinions". LOSER!


This is fake news! ;) :D

To be fair, links between f#*!book and the CIA were openly admitted right at the beginning... who could have seen this coming?

We could keep bitching, or, just hear me out... STOP USING THEM!

Thanks for the post!

Hahah, hell no! Despite the horrendous censorship and shadow-banning, it's how we reach the majority of our target audience. What we do isn't possible without FaceBook, which is why the censorship there hurts so badly.

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