
This is going to end in civil war. There is a fundamental split in the psyche of the two camps and the deep state has used the Left as their attack dogs for so long the Left became utterly convinced they were right.

That conviction has been challenged by both Brexit and Trump and they cannot reconcile it with their worldview. Scott Adams calls it cognitive dissonance.

I call it throwing a tantrum.

And the worst part is that they carry the water for the worst people in the world. Yet, you can't explain it to them that way. They not capable of hearing it. So, the powers-that-be will stoke the anger of the disenfranchised youth and whip them into brown shirts and create whatever chaos they need to attempt to maintain control.... all the way to the bottom.

What he said. Lock and load.

Conservatives are losing patience. If the left doesn't back down, there will indeed be violent resistance.

yup. and the elites are stoking it so they can go for more control.

The west is becoming irrelevant

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