Vaccines - Comments to Video

in #news6 years ago


Comments to Video (Source)

2 years ago (edited)
Dear Robert Kennedy Jr. and Robert De Niro,

It is NOT NOT NOT about mercury! If you focus on mercury-autism, you are just going to blow such an amazing opportunity to hell! I am sorry for my strong language, I just feel so frustrated trying to scream this from the rooftops just to fall on deaf ears :(. If you focus on thimerosal, you are going to hand the pharma the EXACT STUDY it has been dreaming about. It is NOT about the mercury. It is VACCINES in GENERAL, the entire product, with all its aluminum and other "goodies" in them. Furthermore, it is NOT just about autism, far from it! We must stop focusing on mercury and autism alone, it would only make matters worse. We must study vaccines in general, and how they affects ALL aspects of health, by comparing a large vaccinated population to a large completely unvaccinated population. This is the ONLY way to know whether vaccines improve or destroy public health. THE ONLY WAY. Likely we have tens of thousands of unvaccinated children whose parents would happily volunteer to release their children’s health records for a quality large-scale observation study. If you continue to focus on mercury and autism, you will be handing the pharma their dream study: a study in which you will compare one vaccinated group (with thimerosal-containing vaccines) to another vaccinated group (with thimerosal-free vaccines). This way we will STILL be comparing vaccinated to vaccinated--apples to apples—and, predictably, will find no difference. After that vaccines will be declared "safe" for good. There will be no second chances. Please take a look at the Vaccines Safety Info Page that I have comprised on my website after ten years and thousands of hours of research into the topic after my son was damaged by thimerosal-FREE vaccines. Two years prior to that, I too developed an acute autoimmunity just a short month after receiving thimerosal-free vaccines due to immigration requirements. Please look at the studies regarding aluminum adjuvant, for instance, which is present in ALL pediatric vaccines.

Salim Serrano
Salim Serrano
2 years ago
"to each its own" ; maybe you can become the bob kennedy jr. on the aluminum crusade.
if you feel so strongly about it as much as bob is for mercury, then don't have other people do what you think should be done...
"be the change you want to be in this world"..

2 years ago
Rirdan1 - Yes, you are so right about this. Thanks for the link to your website - great information there too.

About your children's food allergies, I recommend you read the book, "The Peanut Allergy Epidemic - What's Causing It and How to Stop It" by Heather Fraser. This well researched book explains a lot - including why allergies, auto-immune diseases and autism began to escalate dramatically from about the late 1980s. Also, have you looked at using good quality, broad spectrum probiotics to treat your children? (I haven't had time to look at your website closely yet. You my already be aware of this).

Flowering Ananda
Flowering Ananda
2 years ago (edited)
Salim, maybe rirdan1 is busy taking care of their vaccine injured child? Why not just scroll on and not make a comment? This person has enough to deal with already!!

2 years ago
Salim, he will blow this amazing opportunity to hell--thus, indirectly injuring and killing many future children, if he does not change his course of action FAST. And yes, I do everything I can within my power and my reach. I have comprised, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive Vaccines Safety Info page yet.

2 years ago (edited)
Thank you, HealthActivist1. I am a nutritional consultant and herbalist, specializing in clinical nutrition. This is the only reason my son and I are ok now.

Reneé Coetzer
Reneé Coetzer
2 years ago (edited)
YES YES YEES! I agree with you R (rirdan1) ... it is about ALL vaccines AS WELL. AND about thimerosal (ethyl mercury, aluminum, formaldhyde , (ethylene glycol) is an ingredient of the polio vaccine, 2-Phenoxyethanol, Phenol, Methanol, Borax (sodium tetraborate decahydrate, Glutaraldehyde, Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), Sulfate and Phosphate Compounds, Ammonium Sulfate, Gentamicin Sulfate, Neomycin Sulfate, Tri(n)butylphosphate, Polymyxin B, Polysorbate 20 / 80 Emulsifier, the list goes on!) READ THE information below
OH and anyone who wants to come with other opinions ... you won't convince me anymore! You're wasting your time. What you believe is your business not mine.
I could have saved my family much pain and trauma IF ONLY I KNEW then what I know now. I know what it feels like to be scammed. There is a moment of recognition that you have been tricked all the time! It is a shattering realization! Well the sooner you realize HOW the CDC's all over the World (not only in the USA) are taking humans for a "ride" ... the sooner they will have to stop their evil money game!
SO EDUCATE yourself ... stop your blind faith in opportunistic organizations with compromised values.

Elaine Kubiak
Elaine Kubiak
2 years ago
Right on rirdan1. Also the FDA for many, many years has allowed studies on all drugs to be done without real placebos, as you noted vaccinated vs adjuvant which is full of toxins, so therefore, the study will show no difference is adverse effects. Let's call out lame stream media every time they ignore or malign these brave efforts.

2 years ago
It is worse than that. Vast majority of vaccines "safety studies" are done comparing a group of vaccinated kids to a group of vaccinated kids, thus, apples to apples.

2 years ago
He knows that... but this video is specifically about mercury - the most toxic non-radioactive substance on earth.

Dr. Stefan Lanka
Dr. Stefan Lanka
2 years ago
Hello to everybody,

the issue goes much beyond: the idea of a virus (poison) and the anti-poison (anti-body) is generally flawed. Please find the information on this here:

Dr. Stefan Lanka, Germany

2 years ago
While I appreciate Bobby's outspokenness & agenda to safety for our children, what his is doing/saying is almost useless... he's not really helping parents make their babies safer as MOST of the vaccines now have aluminum NOT mercury & aluminum is JUST as toxic as mercury - especially when it comes to brain injury & damage. Not only that these vaccines are causing cancer & more. Look up how many children have cancer. My son had a pertussis vaccine to "keep his baby safe" - his unborn child at that point. That was late December 2016 - 3 weeks later he finds a cancerous lump & ends up loosing a testicle. That "safe" vaccine with aluminum & ALL it's other poisons caused my son's cancer. And by the way, that same son was damaged by vaccines as a child when I didn't know any better. Have you any idea what those same "safe" vaccines are going to do with my newborn grandson. If you think I'm passionate about this topic, "passionate" doesn't even begin to describe it. And I'm not "just" a parent & grandparent, I'm a researcher, scientist & herbal physician

Lynn Attwood
Lynn Attwood
2 years ago
Still, it's a start, he's asking journalists to tell the truth. to scrutinise the facts. The truth will come out on all the issues you mention will see....

2 years ago
Very interesting!

mark l
mark l
2 years ago
A good point well made. However, mercury is a damned good place to start because it will then highlight the whole issue of using people as ginniepigs for chemical poisons that have not been subject to double blind testing or any other form of safety checks for that matter. I'm sure Mr Kennedy knows this, but he also knows the size of the beast he has to defeat, one step at a time!

2 years ago
I agree....and pray that they become open to the FULL truth.

2 years ago
rirdan1, I have similar feelings and just want to scream aloud that it is about vaccines as a whole. But maybe there's a strategy to it. There is a strategy for sure when saying that one is not against vaccines and is even pro vaccine. It is unwise to say that vaccines is pure evil and don't work and do harm and then nobody listens to you and nothing changes at all.

Barb Rogers
Barb Rogers
2 years ago
Yes , there is MUCH more garbage than just Mercury in vaccines . I never get a flu shot , I never get the flu . Also , there is no valid study on 'Herd Immunity' , another lie the pro vaxxers peddle . I have always debated the pro vaxxers and always won . They have nothing .

Erin O
Erin O
2 years ago
There are additional causes to autism too, not just vaccines. :/ Vaccines are only a fraction of the problem. Additional issues: reside in our foods (beginning with GMO's), lack of nutrients in the foods, and fluoride in our water sources, mercury contaminates, aspartame in the sugar, growth hormones, and nitrates. Essentially? They want us dead. The goal? To weaken our immune systems as effectively as possible. If we are lucky? Vaccines will only be the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully, Trump,- if he's really willing to do what he says he's willing to do- will cover the gamut on this topic, which has a myriad sources. My fingers are crossed.

2 years ago
I also never get a flu shot. I haven't had the flu or been sick since the early 90's when I did get the shots.

Mark Swinford
Mark Swinford
2 years ago
These frauds are what is known as controlled opposition. Outwardly they appear to be do-gooders. But inwardly they are following the script of depopulation, whether intentionally or unintentionally. That's why they're limiting it to mercury alone. Not being vaccinated is safer than any/all vaccines, no matter what big pharma comes up with next by claiming to remove the toxins. They're never to be trusted.

2 years ago
Mark, most unfortunately, this very thought has been on my mind :(. I have expressed it to a friend who is very anti-vax, but she did not allow this possibility in her mind. Very similar to the situation described in a movie Promised Land, where the environmentalist, who was always protesting against fracking and making most noise turned out to be paid by the oil company to do just that. The idea was that in the end they presented facts that shuttered some of the false info he was presenting, which publicly blew his credibility and, thus, "proved" that fracking was safe.
I REALLY do NOT want to believe that this is the case with Del or RKJ. In my heart they are heros fighting the evil and I really really want to believe that this is the case! But I just have no other explanation as to why they keep pulling on the wrong rope and building their entire case around the wrong thing :(. Eventually, if they continue this course, it will lead to pharma-dream-study and will "prove" vaccines' safety for good :(.

Mark Swinford
Mark Swinford
2 years ago
rirdan1 "Very similar to the situation described in a movie Promised Land, where the environmentalist, who was always protesting against fracking and making most noise turned out to be paid by the oil company to do just that." The Satanists call this the revelation of the method. They reveal their nefarious deeds in the movies, hidden in plain sight. They feel if the masses are not astute enough to figure out what they're really doing and stop them, they are absolved from any evil doings, i.e., no bad karma for them. Because in their sick minds, the public should have stopped them if they disagreed with them. It's part of trauma based predictive programming/mind control. That's why movies and television are their most important assets to use to brain wash the masses. They've been using them since their inception. Fortunately, God still over rules in the affairs of man, and eventually these satanic bastards will be eternally punished for despising Jesus Christ and poisoning the innocent. They will pay. America is being judged by God for our abominations of legalized abortion and homosexuality. It's hypocritical for these shills to claim they have concern for the children , when in the same breath they condone and support abortion. Very hypocritical. America needs to repent from our wickedness. We are slaves to abominations and we enjoy it, until we reap the consequences of it.

Mark Swinford
Mark Swinford
2 years ago
This may be why Trump is taking his time choosing Kennedy and possibly distancing himself from them, because he knows they're not legit.

2 years ago
Mark - perhaps it is Trump who isn't legit??? I sincerely hope he is, and that Kennedy and De Niro are as well - but VERY difficult these days to sift truth from disinformation. At the very least, I hope this exposure will wake more people up.

2 years ago
rirdan1 - Yes, sadly we have to question EVERYTHING these days. Very difficult to know who or what to believe. But as I said in a reply to Mark, hopefully at the very least this exposure might help wake more people up. And I think more people are starting to wake up (ever so slowly) which is probably why the powers that be are upping the ante.

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