Socialist Insecurity: A Cruel Joke You Probably Won’t Get

in #news6 years ago (edited)

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The US mafia (government) announced last week that Medicare will become insolvent in 2026, and Social Security will fail by 2034.

This is three years earlier than they’d previously expected---but for me, it’s not surprising and couldn’t come sooner.

I’ve been railing against the utter evil that is Social Security (or as I call it, Socialist Insecurity) for years. Of course, I might sound like the “heartless” one if you don’t know how this criminal Ponzi scheme actually works.

It’s already bankrupt and can only pay out because the politicians continue to extort money from those who will never see a Social Security check.

Observe, in all it’s unsustainable glory, the Social Security Scam:

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In 1945, just a decade after it was established, there were 41.9 workers for every retiree.

Fast forward 65 years and in 2010, there were only 2.9 workers for every retiree.

In 2017, the ratio continued its insidious decline to 2.8.

In other words, every young, hard-working taxpaying American is essentially forced to be a babysitter for an old, retired person they don’t even know, but who likely ‘voted’ for their own slavery their whole lives.

Yes, the same generation who got tricked into being screwed by insufferable student loan debt is footing the bill for those who led them astray---and all with nothing to gain in return.

This is a crippling burden that most people are afraid to call out because it’d sound like an attack on the elderly. But older people enjoying lavish - or even meager - retirements on the backs of poor millennials aren’t entirely to blame. After all, they too, were born into the evil system.

So who is to blame? Perhaps the first batch of retirees back in the 1940’s who should’ve known better than to accept a check. Imagine enjoying a costly, taxpayer-funded retirement today while disregarding the immense economic suffering it would cause future generations. Maybe… hopefully… they didn’t know any better.


The state itself is really to blame. What is CONgress doing right now to combat Social Security’s insolvency? It’s not even a hot political debate topic, as everyone remains more concerned about Trump’s bromance with Communist Lil Kim in his Reality TV show starring Dennis Rodman, or building walls, which they don’t even know will be used to keep Americans in when the collapse happens.

Whoever’s ultimately responsible, what we know for certain is that the state will not be there to save you. It never was and it never could. An extortion racket is not your friend, no matter what small percent of stolen money they “give” back to you.

If you’re currently subsisting solely off of Social Security or a private pension plan in the US, let this be your wake-up call. Assuming it will “always be there” is foolish.

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The numbers for Social Security show that it won't last much longer, and while each private pension plan is different, the great majority of them also risk massive problems as things unfold.

While some may delight at the idea of their elders getting the karma they deserve good and hard, I never want to see anyone suffer. I want to see all humans realize their own power, break away from these fasco-communist chains and achieve true peace and prosperity in their lives.

Many TDV subscribers are older. But, many of them know one of two things. The first is, never “retire”. That’s a cruel joke of an idea. Do what you love and keep doing it until your final day. If you don’t do what you love, you’re not really living, so quit… today. Not tomorrow. Today. And find your passion. That’s what we are here to do!

The second thing our wisest followers know is that investing in government-approved mutual funds and hoping their pension funds will stay solvent is a recipe for complete disaster. You will end up penniless if you put your trust in these scams.

It isn’t too late, though. If you, sadly, were so brainwashed by the television programming and government “schools” that you thought you were going to have a nice, long retirement on Socialist Insecurity and pension funds… well, here’s your wake up call.

Subscribe to The Dollar Vigilante newsletter (HERE) now and we’ll show you how to protect what you have left, and profit from precious metals, cryptocurrency and other international investments so you never have to rely on Uncle Sam for your future. Because he ain’t your Uncle. He’s the fricking devil.

We’ll also connect you with a group of enlightened people worldwide who are truly living free and who can help you make the transition. That includes likely leaving the USSA before the house of cards comes tumbling down and most are left with nothing, living amongst the walking dead.

Sound harsh? Good. It’s about time everyone starts to wake up before it’s too late.



I very much hate that I have to pay 12.4% of my income into the biggest Ponzi scheme in the history of the world. And in 2034 I’ll be 57 so f*** me right?

My dad analyzed if he had allocated his SOCIALIST security contributions to an index fund..oh say the SPY index or something like it throughout the course of his working life his returns would have been about 250% higher than he’s getting fromSS. BS. I Don’t like it. Not one little tiny bit.

About that 12.4%...

Am I the only one who missed that questionnaire? Nobody ever asked me my opinion on this one. There wasn’t a ‘vote,’ suggestion box, nothing. Can’t find those people anywhere! Eh but don’t pay and watch what happens - you won’t have to look very far for them.

Those same people have managed to distort everything. There’s a few U.S catch phrases that are miserable oxymorons at best:
-Tax Benefit
-National Curriculum

Ponzis, ill-legalities, insturances, and the list of hoaxes goes on.

Hopefully we don’t have to look forward to them perverting our oxygen with something like - methane, ‘cloud space,’ weather manipulation .........Never mind!

Thanks for giving us something to talk about @Jeff!


12% is really too much for others. Rich people don't care much about it though if they are paying =]

Wall street is a bigger ponzi scheme then social security. And elderly are having to work deep into SS therefore never retiring. To be fair, The whole system is broke, this being only a small bit.

great sharing :)...."truth that's hurt" those "governments" controlled by elites

Do you have a link to supporting announcement from the government

Do you have a link
To supporting announcement
From the government

                 - swissclive

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Undoubtedly it is a cruel reality although I am not in favor of the government pays pensions people have to plan their future and their retirement have years of opportunity for that here in my country is the socialist model and disgust give miseries of gifts in money and people are getting used to it, I think it's better to earn what you can by working yourself with a model of government that is not socialist, pure disgust, corruption and robbery.

Yup lucky for me I am in the generation that has to pay for everyone young and old now yippy! SS that I wont ever see for old people who get pensions that I wont ever see either, and young people who dont know what the F they are doing and think everything is free when I pay for health insurance for them all. What a time to be growing up lol

Really its a cruel joke which ever I have read.

Yup its fucked up & has got me angry that people think Im crazy when I tell them the truth about what the government is doing, has done and will continue to do until we stand up for ourselves.

They look at me with a blank expression & say its the Government your talking about. (As if the government can do no wrong - ever!)

people live a lot longer too, they need to adjust the age up a few years among other things if they wish the program to continue, those people collecting are not leeching off millennials though, they paid into the system, that money being mismanaged or stolen is not their fault.

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