Researchers At Notre Dame Say Most Redditors Aren't Reading What They Vote For

in #news7 years ago

Are We All Just A Bunch Of Skimmers And Scanners?

Millions of votes are made every day on Reddit. They've got content covering just about everything you can think of. You'll find posts about pets, food, news articles, building tips, games, cannabis posts, conspiracies, art, poetry, cars, jokes, and plenty more.

And it turns out, most of those who visit the site and cast a vote for their favorite content might not be reading the articles that they vote for.

A recently published paper by researchers from Notre Dame University, suggests that roughly 73 percent of posts on the site don't get read by the people who vote for them. This was according to their research involving roughly 309 participants. They collected data on their site usage for a 1 year period.

It's hard to get people's attention...

Microsoft Research suggests that the average attention span these days is around 8 seconds. And today we are flooded with content all day long, so how does one try to genuinely grab the attention of readers?

According to the research from Notre Dame, roughly 84 percent of users interacted with less than 50 percent of their pageloads.

We are drowning in information and researchers suggest that we have mostly become a bunch of skimmers and scanners. It's easy to see how many might have come to prefer browsing headlines and quickly scanning for other information, rather than truly investing a great deal of time. Though quite often, simple headlines don't do the post and the information it contains true justice and by only reading the title readers might miss something valuable.

It's not just Reddit. Researchers suggest that for some time now there has been a steady decline in literary reading as well. Though, the same can't be said for e-books and audio books.

Previous research also suggests that the headline browsing is similar for users of other sites as well. For Facebook, it was found that roughly 70 percent of those commenting on and sharing science-related articles, had only read the headline of the post before engaging with the article.

It's been estimated that roughly 59 percent of all links that get shared on social networks don't get clicked on.

via justupvotes
Simpsons via giphy
National Endowment For The Arts via WAPO
Pew Research center via mprnews



I just read your post hoping to find some tricky hidden content, something that you secretly posted to test who was actually reading your content... I dont know why I expected that but I did!


Actually this is true,
And its hard to get attention to people what they want!

Not hard to believe actually I see a lot right here on steemit people are constantly asking me questions about my Pop contest when the answers are right in the post LOL! Usually the very first paragraph ! We live in a busy world and for me its just easier to skim over a lot of posts in my feed until I see something that interests me , then I read the whole post . Like yours @doitvoluntarily ! So a good headline always helps to grab new followers . But its also good to stay engaged with your followers even once every couple of days if you can . Thanks for sharing ! upped and resteemed👍👍👍

If Accurate, that literary Reading decline is a scary drop in percentage.

Every year it seems Mike Judge's Movie "Idiocracy" becomes more familiar in western culture.

Aint that the truth, we can see by the comments we get that our post hasnt been read.

It just took me ~4 minutes to read your post. And I have yet to follow any of the links.

And this is the issue I have with voteBOTS.
What was the point of you typing the post if it was not actually read?
Why didn't I use a CommentBOT instead of spending 2-3mins?

Better yet why don't we get some AuthorBOTS to scan the net for great info, and write great interesting articles (with perfect grammar etc) for the CommentBOTS to make comments on and the VoteBOTS can then vote on them?

We can all go to the beach! yippee.

or wait..... maybe we want a SOCIAL site, with SOCIAL interactions.

But that would require HUMANS with a desire for a SOCIAL site.

The human race has been dumbed down to the attention span of a "HEADLINE" by social media. Simple info overload TL;DR style.

If we want social to be better & more social we need to encourage it to be so, rather than accepting a 140char max input / reading criteria

Ban the voteBOTS would be a great start IMHO

Everyone now wants everything that is going on right away, some even assume they have understood the content of an article just by reading the title alone, in general this is very contrary to the vision of the creator, imagine if your post dikomentari origin by followers, when they do not even read your article, and this is a dilemma

Honestly, speed reading needs to be a skill that's taught and developed early on as it would definitely help in todays culture. We have access to thousands upon thousands of articles at our finger tips and with everyone posting their information I can be existing spending 5-10 minutes reading each article only to find that you didn't enjoy the read if for example the article was less than well written. Speed reading allows you to get the gist and credit the original poster and continue moving to other blogs/articles on reddit or steemit that you might find interesting. This makes total sense that people are upvoting or clicking and not reading we just have to much information and not enough education on methods to absorb it without overloading. Great read btw, just my two cents.

Wow that was interesting, well we should have less of that on this platform. Hopefully!!

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