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RE: The Hypocrisy Over The Obstruction of Justice

in #news6 years ago

chuck, their job by definition requires them to harass and kidnap people on a daily basis over victimless crimes. So their job by definition isn't one that's "good" seeing as many laws on the books that they enforce are unconstitutional and unjust. Also, free people don't need an agency with a monopoly on coercion, that are exempt from morality, trying to "protect them"😄👍how can someone extort me and try to protect me at the same time?

they cant.


I agree with your view point over chuck's. Why do we still have police in our society then?

Thanks to you and @hanamana for the reply! Are we talking about anarchy? What about the people who cannot defend themselves against people who most would consider mean and evil? Self-policing requires a degree of self-discipline that simply does not exist in any society. Where in history has it ever been recorded that a group of people have ever evolved without the need to limit the power of people who choose to abuse others for sport or gain? Again, thanks for the exchange.

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