Jordan Peterson - Defeating Bullshit With Class - Brilliant NEW Interview Exposing The EVIL METHOD of Mainstream Media

in #news7 years ago (edited)

THIS CLIP IS BRILLIANT. If this doesnt give you deep insight into todays society and current "news" events, I dont know what will.

Watch how she constantly tries to put words in his mouth, and assume things he didn't mean. He handles it so well.

Peterson handles himself so well against her. This is a very good reflection of where society is at, the polarization, and how even if you are careful with your chosen words, one side can and too often does, twist your words and run with it.

But in this case the accused was there, live. Peterson responded each time masterfully, exposing this media devil more and more as the video went on, without being unfriendly, and most of all, keeping it 100% truthful and fact based.

This is how so much of what people say is distorted and amplified by mass media. This is why the left doesn't like to have live speakers at universities, or why left news organizations on social media do not share live Whitehouse press briefings and Presidential addresses. This is why lefty networks like CNN are notorious for cutting peoples mics mid interview. We have politicians on the left that threaten not to even be present at the State of The Union.

Do you see it yet?

I see Sarah Huckabee Sanders manhandling the stupid questions of reporters all the time. I think it was brilliant for this administration to pick a woman for that role as well.

Do you see how the left needs to control the narrative? They don't want to go one on one. They don't want debates. They want soundbites, and the ability to use their bad logic in emotional and rhetorical mind control productions. We are decades trained into their hands, which is why there are sadly still so many people buying into their "news" stories.

Please watch this video, and see how we who speak truth have to contend with a society that needs to be triggered, who witting and unwittingly scan what others say not to understand them, but to find a point in which to create a problem, to make them feel right, and who have been trained into this bad logic by left indoctrinated EVERYTHING.


With love,


The lack of ability to stay on topic from the left, is because their arguments under scrutiny never hold up.

This is the first of three posts I did recently, highlighting this issue..

It's interesting how different people interpret what they see/hear differently.

This is apparent in this interview throughout, where she presupposes what Peterson says, which of course he retorts with "that's not what I said" - which is correct there.

I would say that I interpreted this interview quite differently.

I think she respects him (as any decent, quality journalist would respect their interviewee) as a thinker and an academic and as a professional and expert in his field. I didn't read her interviewing style as mishandling - rather, she was trying to probe him and push him. And I think you can see that he reciprocates the professional respect. He wants her to go hard - that's part of his message!

This is very good interviewing from the perspective of healthy, robust debate. It's not an example of "the Left not able to hold up under scrutiny". It is an example of very good quality debate. She pushes and pushes to test him.

We need more of this. Especially in journalism and media. Its not about Left/Right (which is also Peterson's point).... it's about being the best person you can and want to be - he said that in the first half of the interview.

It's a pity he's becoming the poster-boy by the alt-right and the newly-emboldened conservatives... because he's not really supporting their ideologies - its just that he frames his message in such a way was that attracts those types. His work is sound and quite brilliant and getting mis-interpreted by both left and right.

Great video, thanks for sharing it.

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