Is Good Content Getting Looked Over on DTube? Serious Talk @spenceryan @coldbolt @kevinli @liveyourdream and more

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Let me preface this by saying that I believe discussion is healthy. In fact, I believe discussion is necessary for growth and development. Without it, we wouldn't see where our blindspots are in order to improve this platform and it is my sincere hope that DTube & Team also believe this. I believe that they do because I can see that they foster open communication and are really good at taking feedback from that community. I respect that and that's why I made this video. There's a lot of talk happening behind the scenes as of late, but I'm glad @spenceryan just went out and said what he said on discord. Thanks bro for just laying it out there. Sometimes you just gotta say how you feel and you did. Boldly. With brass gonads. I don't have notes for this particular video because I just went from the heart. I thought long and hard and decided I would just lay it out there, heart on the sleeve and let you guys know my opinion on what was said.

Obviously I couldn't cover everything, but I want to thank @coldbolt for chiming in and letting us know his thoughts on the situation despite him being in a moving situation (moving sucks!) and taking the time to talk to us. Much appreciated. I also cover one of the things that @liveyourdream mentioned about curation that I happen to agree with. And one of the things that I agree with as well is that the DTube upvote is basically a cherry on top. It's a gift. It's not something we should take for granted, I do sympathize with his points and I believe they are valid.

I also mention @kevinli's video to cite an example of curation and how I believe it's fair. Is it perfect? No. It's being done by human beings. So there's bound to be some lapses here and there. I do believe it will improve and I have full faith in the team behind it. So thank you all for chipping in the conversation.

I know it's a long video, but I tried to pack it with as much relevant content as I could. It was actually almost 20 minutes and I culled it down to the necessary moments (like zooming in on Kevin's face)

Please please please let us know your thoughts on the situation. Again - talk is healthy. Let's do it in the spirit of friendship, respect and love for one another.

Looking forward to hearing your comments.

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Yes a great topic to have out in the open. i go back and forth. I've said it many times and i guess i lean most heavily in the direction of 'Dtube/Steemit dont owe me shit' i owe me. I owe myself to put out my best content for my own fulfillment.
but while i say that in one breath...the next... i have felt the frustration. watching a vid with 150$ upvote and being like...that wasnt so good. looking at the persons posts and seeing they are getting upvotes across the board and its all fine...but meh.
It just kinda feels too Auto. like a past name had a great vid and so whenever there name posts....uppvoterooo for you..i dont even need to watch it. it might not be the case that vidoes are being upvoted without even being watched. maybe everyone is being meticulously watched...but that isnt how it always feels.

my wah wah is that i have been posting on Dtube pretty consistently for over a month. i have yet to receive an upvote. I dont claim to have mind blowing content, or sick editing skills. but i do claim to be constantly improving. if you look at some of my early vids, bad lighting, shitty cuts, strange sound, poor angle choices.....i put out some real stinkers while in the learning process.
I dont regret a single one of them...but i sometimes wonder if maybe one of those stinkers got seen early on and because of that, when my name pops easy to just skip over.
who knows. who cares really. Not getting upvoted will not stop me from continuing to put out my comedy sketches and vlogs. continuing to learn new tricks and keep improving my content. at the end of the doing this for me and not upvotes.

Haha @dlife...that bomber jacket outfit is hillarious. with the dtube thug gangsta look combined with the tom cruise Top Gun sunglasses in a bomber be Top Thug up in the Dnews house!!!

All I know is that right now - I want me some BUTT COINS! When's the ICO?!


One thing I am super happy about is I found your channel. So make sure you let me know every time you launch a new comedy. I definitely think you're going to get on the crosshairs soon enough. Your material is funny man.

Keep on improving. Keep on truckin'

This is one of the things that has kept me from jumping onto Dtube and Steemit. I tend to way over analyze things. So I've been doing allot of research. Maybe I'm just not understanding it. I have bought and watched 2 video courses about Steemit, which I would assume would also apply to Dtube, one from @jerrybanfield and one from @joeparys. Both seem to say the same thing buy a bunch of Steem Power and then upvote your own content and invest in bots to upload your own content. Then I started looking at Dtube and DLive and see that those platform owners help to upvote good content so I thought OK maybe I don't have to be uvoting my own stuff. Now I'm hearing that creators don't get those votes if they don't upload or stream at the right time of the day. Or they don't get them if they aren't in the "know" or bringing a huge following with them. So far, other than the freedom of speech, which for NSFW creators don't seem so free, it's not allot different than YouTube and Twitch :(

Thanks for putting this out there! Long video haha. My pizza is cold now :/

No but in all seriousness I was a little nervous to put it out there but it's something that I've been feeling for a while. And I agree with you and many others when it comes down to growing pains and short handedness.

However, it is a problem and it did need to be addressed. Like you said, it's the only way to grow. It still needs more work. This is a new platform. New rules, new styles, new ways to do things. And because of that, there needs to be some innovation in the curation as well.

Well said though man, I support this video (and your outfit) 110%!

Ah man. I hate cold pizza. Sorry about that, brotha.


Yeah agree with you 100% there. New rules, new styles, new things to adjust to. I'm looking forward to how the @dtube team will respond because I notice they have a real open ear to things and take into consideration a lot of what the creators feel. We have real great leadership here with @heimindanger @nannal @superkoala @coldbolt and the rest...I haven't met them all yet, but I know that they're doing their very best. That I can respect and appreciate.

I thought I needed to put it out there also because it took a lot of gonads (as I said) to say what you said and obviously it came from a place of passion. You're one of the greatest content creators out here, DTube knows that - we all know it. And of course, we want to hear what your thoughts are. They're coming from the heart.

Most importantly, you support the outfit. We're family now. T-DOT to the NYC baby.



I totally agree with what you said on discord :) I wasnt there at this time but I have read any messages of your conversation and also left my message about it in #suggestions channel.

Bless Man!

As a first time viewer here I really enjoyed this video.
Everyone that posts here on dtube I think create some value for the blockchain, but I also agree that there seems to be a couple of people being favour here. But I believe at if you are consistent in creating quality cointent you will be rewarded in the end.
I will give you a follow and looking forward to future content

Thanks for summarizing the discussion we had. And thanks to @kevinli for calling my attention to this. I guess me and some other people would have missed it and I think we were talking about a really important topic.
All I can say is that I can understand both sides and I appreciate @coldbolt for taking the time and considering to work with the team on this. I think even with this statement we came a huge step forward.

Yeah video ended up way too long though. LOL

And I need to seriously evaluate what I wear in front of the camera. This is on the blockchain FOREVA


Always appreciate you brotha. Stay positive

Friction=Fusion,if there is not enough friction you won't have fusion.
I believe its like looking through a telescope and finding a distant planet,you have to wait till the lite reaches you before it's visible.
The higher the frequency the more visible you become.
It's the blockchain guy's,, the more blocks you create the higher Presents, Power and influence you carry.
So give it some gas and feed those 4-matic blockbusters and before you know it, you will be seamless: )

Why do you always have to be such a genius all the time? I love that! I'm going to use that in future talks!


Pure genius

Cool,Keep it going ..
DTube LUV.

hahaha - sorry, I'm laughing at your mention of me. You crazy mofo.

Nice summary of the cray cray talks in the discord. Such madness waking up to it.



I wasn't there when you got this conversation on discord but I have read all your messages on #general channel and also I have left some of my opinions about it in #suggestions this morning. I''m happy that this happened because Ive got a same feelings about this and now I can see that I'm not the only one. (but NEO is the ONE? Whatever :D)


Thanks for keeping the discussion alive in constructive way. Thumb up!

Thanks for watchin' my brotha. I appreciate the comments

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