Thousands of PCs infected with Trojan to mine MonerosteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago


On Friday, May 12 there was a massive ransomware attack against computer systems around the globe. The ransomware, known as WannaCry used leaked NSA exploits(EternalBlue, DoublePulsar) to access computers. The attack captured headlines around the globe and caused a panic among computer security professionals. Another attack which takes advantage of the same exploits has just been discovered.


While studying machines vulnerable to the EternalBlue attack researchers were surprised to discover another piece of  malware known as  Adylkuzz.  Adylkuzz infects a computer and quickly enrolls the machine into a botnet.

"A botnet is a number of Internet-connected devices, each of which is running one or more bots. Botnets can be used to perform Distributed Denial Of Service Attack, steal data, send spam, and allow the attacker access to the device and its connection. The owner can control the botnet using command and control (C&C) software." Wiki

In this case the botnet was harnessing the computational power of thousands of infected computers to mine the cryptocurrency Monero. The amount mined by each individual machine is small but when done on a massive scale it could generate large sums of untraceable cryptocurrency.

Researchers believe that the Adylkuzz malware could have been spreading, undetected for weeks possibly months. Adylkuzz has the potential to be more widespread and damaging than the recent ransomware attacks.


First of all , windows users should make sure their windows updates and patches are up to date. A strong anti virus and malware removal software should also be in place.

This is another example of the danger of governments hoarding security exploits without informing Tech companies so they can be fixed. Leaked exploits can wreak havoc on computer systems and cause millions of dollars in damages.

Undoubtedly the media will use the two most recent attacks to demonize and scapegoat cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and Monero. It is important to stay educated on the true cause of these attacks and the role cryptocurrency plays. Governments are almost always reactive instead of proactive and already there are calls for more legislation to regulate cryptocurrency.

Fellow Steemian and friend @barrydutton recently posted a Bitcoin Q&A: Can cryptocurrencies support terrorism? 

We must work to understand new technologies and leverage them for good rather than fearing them.

If you would like to read more about Adylkuzz check out the following links.

Link 1

Link 2

If you want to stay up to date on crypto and Fin Tech news follow my blog @digicrypt.

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I am starting to wonder if there are not perhaps ulterior motives. Who stands to gain from the devaluation of crypto-currency? Banks and banking groups of course.

We already know the Rothchilds own the world. Crypto is a threat to their wealth.

I don't necessarily think there are nefarious motives, more natural/predictable reaction,governments and those in power always fear what they can not control and almost always try and control it.

Maybe, maybe not..

Another arrow in the quiver of the Deep State to go after government control of crypto.

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