Seth Rich Case Dismissed, Space Force, Media Matters Qanon Gambit - DEFNEWS 8/3/2018

in #news6 years ago

We start out with the newest information in Space that show's we are very close to seeing non NASA personal in space. Look out Flat earth your days are numbered. It seems that they are testing a capsule that is for people to be launched into space complete with a docking at the ISS. This was an unmanned flight for testing purposes but it shows that the system is ready for Human flight. This Particular Capsule is built by SPACE-X and boeing as the final tests before it is launched with a manned payload in the near future. These tests went above and beyond the normal protcol NASA sets forward for manned systems and is viewed as the beginning of a new phase of our space history. These tests will cover many of the final touches they need before they feel they are ready for non Train personal to use for space flight. I wonder who will be on the first Rocket up?

In more space news A meteor hit the earth and exploded with 2.1 kilotons of force last month, but the US Air Force has made no mention of the event. It seems that still nobody is talking about what happened in this situation. You would think giant falling rocks would be cause for concern for everyone. They are being tight lipped about the subject and it's going to be a wonder if we will be able to find some footage.

NASA Testings Commerical Space Flights

Diana Feinstein has been seen as a DEEP STATE member for some time and it makes you wonder why she had a Chinese Spy working next to her for over 20 years. The Bay Area is a hotbed for Russian and Chinese espionage. last year, the feds shut down the Russian consulate in San Francisco due to gang activity. The same place that Chinese gang violence has rocked the house for years without much big talk about it in the news. It's interesting that the MSM keeps putting in the Russia Word without making it clear that the Chinese mafia problem is way bigger than what they constantly push. It's how the media will get you triggered but using a certain word. How did the FBI miss this one for so long? When was the last time this guy was working for her?

Details Surface About Chinese Spy Who Worked For Sen. Feinstein

In a stunning turn of events that Lawsuits against Fox News and Ed Butowsky has been dismissed by a judge after it was made clear it had done nothing to harm them. In his dismissal of the lawsuit, Judge George B. Daniels said he sympathized with Mr. Rich’s parents, but added that they had not been personally defamed by the story — despite the fact that it included “false statements or misrepresentations.” That is a huge win for everyone except Rod Wheeler who was at the center of the lawsuit when he made claims on camera and walked them back with a lawsuit. It seems that Media Matters and the DNC Lawyer Force thought their would be more they could do with the cases but now it is even more clear that people are waking up to whats going on. Seth Rich was Murdered and people are trying to help them, guys like Ed Butowsky paid to help them solve this murder and for them to sue him under preasure from the DNC and Brad Bauman was never a good idea. It seems that now we are going to be able to see what happens with the case Aaron Rich put up against them.

Media Matters is Deep in trying to debunk Qanon and we are seeing the same thing they did with Seth Rich. When things do not go their way they make so much news happen to change things. What we are seeing is how they control the media by sharing information. This is the oldest trick in the book and we can see how they are trying to make Qanon followers look CRAZY. Now that we know who is pushing all the negative it will be wonderful to see how the Q community handles the new found fame and Media Hit jobs.

joseph Pappas, man suspected of murdering George HW Bush's doctor, commits suicide after being confronted by police

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