End Times Signs & Current Events (Dec 29, 2017)

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Its close to the new year and we are waiting for the future. Will we be looking at more of the same for the new year or are we going to be doing more of the same? There are many interesting moons that will be coming and that once in a blue moon will be happening. I believe that most people do not understand the reason people look to the stars. I was remembering the eclipse from this year I viewed and I remembered it was not the first one I had seen. I was in Cabo San lucas with my family in 1991 when I saw my first one. It was one of the most amazing things I had seen but I almost missed it because I was stung by a stingray. A moment in time that I barely remember, I just woke up and it was suppose to be light outside. It was beautiful for sure, and I will remember just as the one I saw this year.

There is a great movement happening under the surface of the world, and I'm not sure what we will find.

“Today, my dear students on the path, we would like for you to join with us in connecting with your Indwelling Spirit and continue to build your intimate relationship with this Perfect Spark that lives within you. The attunement process depends on this personal connection and is the key to all spiritual growth and ascension. Please set aside time alone to engage the Reason for your being. Once you have become familiar with this connection piece, please create your own soul expression to invoke the Holy Union. Until then, please read aloud:

“My Beloved Indwelling, please connect with my conscious mind and allow me the grace to feel your presence within me — let us be of one mind and one heart.”

“I AM open to your presence and I welcome your sacred touch, for you have prepared my mind for all things true, beautiful, and good.”

“Flood my mind with your divine light and fill every cell in my body with your beautiful vibration. Excite in me every sense of you and let me understand through my human senses what divine love means.”

“My body, my mind, and my soul are a sacred vessel for your expression — please express your love and ideas through me that I may co-create an experience worthy of eternal keep.

“For we are One now — there is no separation — I know and believe that we are eternal soulmates.”

“Awaken in me the divine plan that you have prepared for me as I enjoy the freedom to explore my desires.

“I release all my earthly concerns before you now and wait for your Holy Hush to surround me.”

Indwelling Spirit: “You are my beloved child in whom I AM well pleased...”

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

Past Reports


Gave you the 100% upvote but with the video, I think people (men) are getting a little too worried about reforming language to undo patriarchy. There is a balance and the pendulum swings back and forth. Just as guys are freaking out about saying Human race instead of mankind, women have had to put up with being called "guys" and ridiculously placing men at the center of personification. We can have some positive change without it having to go crazy into a zillion made-up pronouns (being socially engineered and foisted upon the college-based transgender experimented-upon population) that have nothing to do with true linguistics. Evolving means learning and growing and the agenda of the last 3,000 years of patriarchal reign into the darkest period of the yuga is not necessarily what we want to hang onto forever moving forward, hence the coming of the light and the age of Aquarious. We need to be able to determine the difference between spiritual growth as a species and the social engineering malarky that is trying to post-modernize us into accepting transhumanism.

Thanks for scaring the cr@p out of me with these good news...

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