Suspicious 0bservers Daily News for 21 September, 2017steemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago

Sunspots Coming, Hurricane Connection, Fluoride

Coronal holes, but absoutely nothing else going on the Earth facing disc of the Sun.
Coming around the bend are the huge sunspots coming into view. Will they send out another X-Class Solar Flare when they arrive in a couple of days? When the last X-Class Solar Flare hit, it made Irma move more to the west. Currently, Maria is staying off shore, but it is possible that a solar flare could shift her movement west and have her reach land. We'll have to wait and see.

Have you had enough earthquakes? Well, they are still coming.

Sunspots are temporary phenomena on the Sun's photosphere that appear as spots darker than the surrounding areas. They are regions of reduced surface temperature caused by concentrations of magnetic field flux that inhibit convection. Sunspots usually appear in pairs of opposite magnetic polarity. ~

Coronal holes are areas where the Sun's corona is colder, hence darker, and has lower-density plasma than average because there is lower energy and gas levels. Coronal holes are part of the Sun's corona and are constantly changing and reshaping because the corona is not uniform. ~

~ Ben Davidson (Suspicious0bservers ) at
I am not affiliated with Ben Davidson or his work. I am a subscriber to SuspiciousObservers YouTube channel.

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Sure you deserve it @deanlogic . Im beginning to follow you now. Emulating you from now onward

Thanks to provide Great New and Useful Information

Hi there. I noticed within a day or so of Irma Mexico had a bad quake off its western coast. Then Maria hit PR and Mexico City got a large quake prior to the event. Thought it was odd, is there a correlation between Cat 5 hurricanes and eathquakes I wonder.

Well, there was a coronal hole opening, which causes solar storms. Apparently there is a paper out that there might be a link between solar storms and tropical cyclones.

In other words, Suspicous0bservers has been modeling coronal hole/solar storm activity in relation to large earthquakes (he had alert zones for the Mexico and Japan quakes) and maybe there could be a similar correlation with tropical storms.

Be one in the eye for the climate change crowd if it turns out solar activity is a contributing factor to tropical storms. Then they probably would tell us humans cause sunspots or something!

Well, another article came out a few days ago about them over estimating human impact on climate by 50%. Basically, they just nulled out any impact by humans.

It ain't looking good for them, scientifically speaking.

Do you have a link to that article or a nudge in the right direction to find it?

You are probably better off getting the summary from Ben in that episode. Looks like the article is pay. I guess they don't want the info to get out.

Thanks for the info @deanlogic.

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