It Has Been 59 Days Since North Korea's Last Missile LaunchsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Why hasn't North Korea down a missile launch in two months?

Since 2016, North Korea has been launching missiles at a regular rate. At least once a month and then up to two a month until September 2017. Each test in 2017 showed advances in technology at a rate that seemed impossible for the isolated state.

The last missile launch was on September 15 and was the most successful launch yet. North Korea had also done an underground nuclear test, which they claimed to be a hydrogen bomb.

On October 6th, it was announced by Russia, that North Korea was preparing to launch a missile that could reach the U.S.. But, it never happened. All the saber rattling had stopped, so what happened?

2 Earthquakes after September 3 Nuclear test.

The September 23rd earthquake was large and there was question about whether it was another test or a collapse of the site. The October 12th earthquake was smaller and word got out that it was a collapse of the nuclear site, killing 200 people.

There is speculation that the U.S. actually collapsed the tunnel using the same technology that Israel uses to destroy tunnels. If the tunnel killed the 100 workers there and the 100 more sent into the tunnel, it could be possible that all of North Korea's rocket intelligence was killed in the collapse.

On October 9th, it was reported that Mattis said the following at the Association of the United States Army in Washington.

Now, what does the future hold? Neither you nor I can say, so there’s one thing the U.S. Army can do, and that is we have got to be ready to ensure that we have military options that our president can employ if needed.” ~ source:

Could it be possible, that they had plans in place to stop North Korea if information came out that a missile that would reach the U.S. was ready? Or if they had completed plans on a more powerful nuclear bomb? Did the U.S. covertly take out the North Korea nuclear facility, so they wouldn't have to deal with the UN?

All we know, is that North Korea has been more quiet than they were in the summer and fall. There are 3 carrier groups around the peninsula right now and the President is visiting countries in range of North Korea's missiles. Of all the times to show a sign of crazy force from North Korea, now would be that time. Yet, things seem awfully quiet.

List of Missile Launches for 2016-2017

Source :

February 7, 2016Successful launch of the Kwangmyŏngsŏng-4 satellite
April 2016Test of engine designed for an intercontinental ballistic missile
August 2016North Korea claims to launch a Pukkuksong-1 missile capable of striking the United States. The missile is a Submarine-launched ballistic missile.
October 15, 2016Failed North Korean ballistic missile launch
October 19, 2016Failed launch of an intermediate-range missile
February 11, 2017North Korea test-fired a Pukguksong-2 missile over the Sea of Japan. This was the first launch of the new medium-range ballistic missile .
March 6, 2017North Korea launches four ballistic missiles from the Tongchang-ri launch site in the northwest. Some flew 620 mi (1,000 km) before falling into the Sea of Japan.
April 4, 2017North Korea test-fired a medium-range ballistic missile from its eastern port of Sinpo into the Sea of Japan
April 15, 2017North Korea test-fired an unidentified land-based missile from the naval base in Sinpo but it exploded lmost immediately after the takeoff .
April 28, 2017North Korea test-fired an unidentified missile from Pukchang airfield. Missile, believed to be a medium-range KN-17 ballistic missile, falters and breaks apart minutes after liftoff.
May 13, 2017North Korea test-fired a Hwasong-12 missile from a test site in the area of Kusong. The missile, later revealed to be an intermediate range ballistic missile, traveled 30 minutes, reached an altitude of more than 2,111.5 km, and flew a horizontal distance of 789 km (489 miles), before falling into the Sea of Japan. Such a missile would have a range of at least 4,000, reaching Guam, to 6,000 km.
May 21, 2017North Korea test-fired another Pukguksong-2 medium-range ballistic missile from Pukchang airfield, which traveled approximately 300 miles before falling into the Sea of Japan. The missile landed about 217 miles from North Korea's east coast.
May 29, 2017North Korea fired a Short Range Ballistic Missile into the Sea of Japan. It traveled 450 km.
June 8, 2017North Korea fired several missiles into the Sea of Japan. They are believed to be anti-ship missiles. The South Korean military said the launches show the reclusive regime's "precise targeting capability."
June 23, 2017North Korea tested a new rocket engine that could possibly be fitted to an intercontinental ballistic missile.
July 4, 2017North Korea tested its first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) named Hwasong-14 on July 4. It launched from the Panghyon Aircraft Factory 8 km southeast of Panghyon Airport. It was aimed straight up at a lofted trajectory and reached more than 2,500 km into space. It landed 37 minutes later, more than 930 km from its launch site,[46] into Japan's exclusive economic zone. Aiming long, the missile would have traveled 7,000-8,000 km or more, reaching Alaska, Hawaii, and maybe Seattle. Its operational range would be farther, bringing a 500 kg payload to targets in most of the contiguous United States 9,700 km away.
July 28, 2017The 14th missile test carried out by North Korea in 2017 was another ICBM launched at 23:41 North Korea time (15:41 GMT) from Chagang Province in the north of the country on July 28, 2017. Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, Boston, and New York appear to be within range. The missile's reentry vehicle (RV) was seen by people in Japan as it entered the atmosphere and landed near the northernmost Japanese island, Hokkaido. Analysis later revealed that the RV broke up on re-entry; further testing would be required. The CIA made an assessment expecting adequate performance of the RV under the different stresses of a shallower trajectory towards the continental US.
August 26, 2017North Korea test fires three short range ballistic missiles from the Kangwon province on August 26. Two travel approximately 250 kilometers in a northeastern direction and one explodes immediately after launch.
August 29, 2017On August 29, 2017, at 6 AM local time, North Korea launched a ballistic missile over Northern Japan. The missile's short and low trajectory and its breakup into three pieces is consistent with the failure of a heavy post-boost vehicle.
September 15, 2017North Korea launched a ballistic missile on September 15 from Sunan airfield. It reached a height of 770 km and flew a distance of 3,700 km for 17 minutes over Hokkaido before landing in the Pacific.

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I mean you can't keep launching missiles without even your allies saying come on man just take a break for a bit.

Interesting theory though. We'll just have to wait and see.

They were gearing up for a launch in October, then they didn't do it. They just stopped.

China was getting pressure, but not as much as when Trump just visited a few days ago.

naw...that's not it.
'dear leader' just discovered the error of his ways.
after all...he's a good boy...trying to turn his life around.

A good point also ><

naw...that's not it.
'dear leader' just discovered the error of his ways.
after all...he's a good boy...trying to turn his life around.

He had a change of heart.

it could be possible that all of North Korea's rocket intelligence was killed in the collapse.

Let's hope that was the case but I doubt the NKoreans make such a mistake with their high profiles. The best still is to run anything HR critical deep below a dense residential area. I'd say they know that in Pjöngyang too..

If they were preparing the rocket/bomb and not ready to test it, they could have been all down there.

Anon Q claims that the tunnel was destroyed by the US. I think you're right @deanlogic.

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