America's Recent School Shooting What Really Happened in Ocala Florida

in #news6 years ago (edited)

Inside Forest High School


On April 20th, 2018 at 7:49am, almost 5 minutes after the last bell rang for students to be in class, a loud bang could be heard through the hallways. On the second floor in the main building of the C hallway a sawed off shot gun went off and went through a classroom door. The shrapnel subsequently struck a student in the akle. The shooter took off running around the corner and down the D hallway where he was apprehended.

The school went on code red lockdown. Students hid and barracaded themselves in their classroom. They were afraid. They didn't know what was going on. They didn't know if they were next. Terrifified and frantically texting loved ones.


It was only supposed to be a few more mere hours that they were staging a planned walkout in honor of the Columbine shootings that sparked the nation only 19 years prior. It was safety for the schools and gun control the students were urging to have in place for their own safety.


After 2 hours of fearing the unknown students were then bussed to a safe point for pickup by their parents. Students snap chat the whole ordeal still unaware of what really was going on.


Finally the students made it to the check point at a local church 3 miles up the road. Parents are frantically rushing to get their children. The school failed to notify the parents until the students were being evacuated. Parents learned of the incident from media outlets and their children before the county sent a mass phone call.


Parents were crowded around the doors trying to hear the announcer and what was going on. They were not releasing their children.


The real story is, a former student named Sky Boucher, drove to the campus and pretended to still belong there. He went upstairs to the bathroom to change into gear. His shotgun was concealed in a guitar case. In the hallway, after he was done changing, he supposedly changed his mind and the gun went off accidently. His original plan included shooting at the staged walk out where the students would have been gathered in a large crowd.


Sky Bouche, told media and investigators that he did this for attention, that he wanted to be arrested becausd he was mentally ill. It is a story all too familiar. Nicholas Cruz, who was the perpatrator in the Feburary 14th, massacre, also is using the mentally ill defense as well.

Forest Highschool theatre club put on a performance a mere 3 weeks ago called "In Our Own Back Yard" some of you may remember my post as my daughter was starring in it. Earlier that morning on April 20th, students were given bracelets for the planned walkout. The eerie chilling message of, "Never Again Ocala" on one side and "What if it were us" on the other.


My daughter was in attendance at Forest High that morning. I recieved a chilling set of texts that no parent should ever get.


The students after being reunited with their parents and after investigators and officials cleared the school for re-entry were allowed to get their belongings and vehicles.


However, the school was still heavily armored. My daughter gets back to the vehicle after getting her belongings and they gave her a chicken sandwich. She said she felt as if it was a cheesy consolation prize for being traumatized. She couldn't eat it as her nerves were still shot from the earlier incident.

I am not saying ban firearms as I personally own one. I am totally for stricter control measures such as mental health evaluations before obtaining them and limit the private sales (as this person bought the gun privately). I am for making our students safer in schools. I am for education on mental health, how to protect yourself in an emergency, and education on the real damage a firearm can do if not handled with care.

I urge you to share this post. I rarely ask that you resteem my posts but this is a real messagr. This is a crisis that has been in our society for a long time. I was in 8th grade when Columbine happened. I remember in 9th grade 80% of the highschool did not show up in fear of a repeat on April 20th.


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Here is the thing... How many mass shootings were there at schools before they started pumping SSRIs into the kids? Look at this:
I am for making pharma responsible for their part of this insanity, and without that happening you just cannot make enough laws. They are given blanket immunity. You know they were forced to admit the drugs caused suicidal thoughts, but never forced to admit some people get homicidal too. Furthermore, there is no antidote, not even a therapy plan, to help this boy or any other person who began to have those thoughts after being put on the drugs.
One more fact: Know how many school shootings there have been in Israel or Sweden where the STUDENTS are armed? Zero. That is how many shootings happened at the rural Oregon school I attended briefly, where all the kids had guns in the truck.
I am SO sorry for the stress, you don't need that shit. Very glad your child is OK! Each shooting makes me angrier about the pharma connection that continues to be ignored.

Thank you for your response. Its truly a combination of everything that leads to this. My daughters best friends brother knew the shooter and he had moved away to another county (the next one over). His whole defense is that he was abused as a kid which made him depressed and no one would help him. I am not too sure I buy his story especially when be coupled it with he wanted the attention in the same interview. Yes those medications can cause homicidal thoughts as well yet they are the very drug used to prevent violence and rage. It makes no sense to me the medications side effects are what they are trying to prevent.

It is almost like it is all theater... and they are playing with the lives of our children. Because it mostly is. Pharma is not out to cure anything, ask them. They offer "treatments" and somehow those treatments almost always require you to buy a pill for the rest of your life. Just so you know, I used to work in healthcare and now am a pharma whistle-blower, a survivor of the suicidal side effects. A rare survivor.

Hugs... i hope you have found some peace and serenity. I do feel like the pharma is all a conspiracy theory. I wrote a scholary paper in college a few years ago in my business ethics class which I had to put a huge disclaimer. The teacher gave me a 100 on it and said if he could have given me a higher grade he would...

My first tropical vacation was courtesy of Eli Lilly. I was sent to Puerto Rico to learn how to spot drug reactions - we were doing clinical trials at the office I managed. When I HAD a drug reaction, and I went in and said "There drugs are making me think crazy stuff, like I want to hurt myself" I was IMMEDIATELY labelled nuts. To this day, not one physician will even consider that it was the drugs, even though I am essentially fine now. There is some weird adrenal function damage that makes my "fight or flight" reaction off the hook, but as long as no one corners me I am fine.

That is horrible...

It was not the most fabulous part of my life. However, I have had three people tell me I saved their life by telling them my story. I have watched way too many people, my brother included, end up killing themselves while dutifully taking some fucking "happy" pill. So I blow my little whistle. Almost no one hears it, but to a few people it meant everything. That counts.

That is so terrible, thank goodness there was only one bad injury in the end but the mental trauma of this is something nobody should need to go through - especially children.

My best wishes to you all.


The kid who was injured is ok and just had some minor surgery to fix the bones and remove the shrapnel. He was posting on snap chat he was getting ready for surgery friday afternoon with a smile!

This is terrible Liz. 😢 You must have been so worried and upset until you saw your daughter was safe. Thanks be to God there weren’t more casualties 🙏 but the children will be traumatized after this.

The leaders of the church the children were transfered to has set up a counseling team that the students can call. I hope some of them take advantage and not let the cycle continue.

This is really heartbreaking to se such terrible act and so many parents worrying and not knowing if their children are ok.
Im sorry you and your daughter had to go through this. Happy she's OK and that the outcome was as it was.
Im working with kids myself and that's why this touches me so as I know there's never a way to really prepare yourself for a situation like this.
We train for it but you never know till the day come how the reaction will be.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention and much love to you and your family 🤗🤗🤗🤗

Yes you can be prepared all you want but when your PNS kicks in you never know how you will react. Thanks for your support...

I belive that and I hope I never have to find out but you never know. We have the tendency to often think..... That doesn't happen to me.
Thank you for sharing your post and make us aware. Have a great week and much love to you and your daughter 🌸🤗🌸

That is terrible!! Too many people with too many problems. So sorry that your daughter had to live through that!!

Got goosebumps reading this

Terrible, terrible situation. Am glad your daughter was okay!

I do hate this mental illness excuses, too many being used by bad people to avoid punishment.

Yes too many people claiming this mental illness as an excuse is ruining the real help for people who actually need it. As for Nicholas Cruz he did have a real issue which goes way further than what media is letting in and knowing the back story and knowing that he wasnt the shooter and his brother really was and he was there to stop his brother and the story is even more horrifying and deeper than that which led to this incident.. but you'll never read this in any news outlet. However this kid who shot my daughters school there was no excuse. Yes he was baker acted 1 time at 14 but he really doesnt have a mental illness aside from psychopath for this one. Especially since he said he was backing out of his plan and the gun accidently went off.

So terrifying. Hard to believe in this day and age that guitar cases aren't searched before they are brought into school. I feel so bad for the trauma those kids suffered. Hugs for your daughter, Liz.

Nothing is searched here at her school... you can just walk right in the building right on to school property without anything or any security what so ever. Riley and I have gone to the school on a saturday and was able to vandalize the fence for her birthday (its a tradition everyone does it and its allowed) and no one once stopped us..

In the crazy world we live in that simply must change. I've heard my grandson leave for school and 'jokingly' say goodbye and say he hopes he lives through the day. Our children must feel that we are doing our very best to keep them safe.

Its sad that its apart of the norm now a days too...

So terrible and you must have been so distraught as this was happening, sadly this is happening far to often these days and things need to change

Yes things need to change and excuses for this needs to stop.

Your daughter and no child should have to endure this. I also am for the things you listed. I don't believe a ban on guns will stop the insanity. I hope mental illness will get more attention. It's sad that kids are going back to school to terrorize others. The chicken sandwich made me pause and say, "really?

Yes the chicken sandwiches.. she couldn't even eat it. She is 16 and at her young age she realizes that such a traumatic incident makes your nerves so shot you wanna puke at the situation. They did hold them at the church for hours tho.


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