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RE: Bilateral Trade & Cooperation In A “De-Dollarising” World: Russia & China Take Further Steps Towards Gold Denominated Transactions

in #news7 years ago

When the value of USD collapses, world financial foundations will shudder, and "the elites" will be ready to introduce SDRs to save the day.

Watch out for the SDR introduction. Rule Of Law will temporarily be bypassed in the name of resolving the crisis. Never waste a good crisis!

SDRs are meant to help "the elites", rest of the proletariat will get screwed in the deal.


I know that Jim Rickards it's a big supporter of the SDR idea. I tend to agree with the numerous commentators who suggest that a failing currency is not solved by a collection of failing currencies. We shall see how it plays out. Suspension of Rule Of Law is more than possible as you say.

Exactly. I subscribed to Jim's rag, and he pushes SDRs on regular basis.

Overall I'm not that impressed with his service. Seems that it tends towards the hysterical and over the top end of world is near - with a specific date three weeks in the future.

Like a broken clock that is right two times per day, Jim may eventually be right.

What are your thoughts on Jim's commentary?


Hi @davebrewer. Jim is a little unique. For someone so aligned with the "death of money" concept he seems very well connected with the current system including his time spent wargaming with the pentagon. He seems dispassionate and considered but he does have, as you say, a rag and books to sell so urgency is in his favour.

I guess I consider him a seemingly well educated voice that I include in the chorus of opinions that I use to keep informed.

Thanks for your input!

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