Canada to Ban “Downplaying” the Holocaust in Major Blow to Free Speech

in #news11 months ago (edited)

“If we don’t believe in free expression for people we despise,” said Noam Chomsky, “we don’t believe in it at all.”

Source: Canada to Ban “Downplaying” the Holocaust in Major Blow to Free Speech - Foundation for Economic Education

While I in no way support antisemitism, I do support free speech and I've always bee a fan of Voltaire's philosophy of "I wholly disapprove of what you say - and will defend to the death your right to say it."

Clearly, Canada feels differently and who is Voltaire when stacked up against great minds like Trudeau?

I don't even understand what such a law is supposed to accomplish. Suppressing the speech of those you disagree with only pushes their thoughts underground. If people want to say ignorant and stupid things, then I would rather know how they feel than it be hidden.

This article brings up another good point. One of the people responsible for this law referred to the holocaust as the worst crime in human history or something to that effect. If I were to agree that the holocaust was horrible but point to other crimes as being worse because they killed even more people, would that qualify as "downplaying" the holocaust? Who knows? Such laws can be interpreted by the government however they feel like at the moment. If the assault on free speech weren't bad enough, the vagueness of the law is a further assault on freedom.

And every time I mention Trudeau I feel obliged to also post his hit song so here it is:


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When I see stuff like this going on in North America it makes me happy that I do not live in that part of the world anymore. There is a ton of government sponsored censorship in this part of the world as well but for some reason it seems a lot less crazy and subjective than what is going on in certain parts of the western world right now.

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