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RE: Monsanto’s Carcinogenic Glyphosate Is In Large Number Of Children’s Cereals

in #news6 years ago

If at the current EPA safe levels it takes eating more than 100 pounds of cereal (or whatever) a day for a lifetime to exceed those levels then the EPAs allowance can't be dangerously high. What is the truth? At what point does it really become dangerous? Every substance on Earth causes death in sufficient quantity after all. While it is good to be aware of this and this awareness will hopefully lead to even safer products, should anyone really worry about eating a bowl of Cheerios? It seems like everyone in the world either has cancer, has had cancer, or knows someone who did. I lost my wife to breast cancer less than a year ago and she was only 42. It certainly seems to be a disease that is more common than it once was. It becomes easy to worry about every story like this where there are trace amounts of something known to cause cancer when exposed to vast amounts in some food or other product. But sometimes I wonder if the worry causes more health problems than the trace amounts of a weedkiller in grains.

I'm not sure that there is much value in comparing a person who is exposed to Roundup directly on a daily basis to someone who is exposed to a few parts per billion in their Cheerios. Nor can anyone say definitively what caused cancer in an individual person (at least in the vast majority of cases).

I just bought a box of Pumpkin Spice Cheerios the other day... I'll just go sit over here in a corner and worry about whether I should eat them or not. Or perhaps throw them away and feel guilty about the starving children of the world...

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