THIS WEEK'S END TIMES During The Grand Solar Minimum

in #news6 years ago

While most of mainstream media ignores Turin Italy, nearly two-hundred dignitaries, both political and corporate, as well as, some journalists, scientists and a few of the day's cutting edge creative minds gathered to brainstorm on the future of humanity; or at least that is what they allege is going on in these private - "we got nothing to hide" - meetings infamously known as The Bilderberg Meeting. They claim the need for secrecy is imperative so those that brainstorm can feel free to do so without the fear of judgement, without the fear of media or public backlash, but they say, the Bilderberg spokespeople that is, that everything is purportedly on the up and up.

So they say. ~
~"The meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed. Thanks to the private nature of the meeting, the participants are not bound by the conventions of their office or by pre-agreed positions." ~ from their website

All the attendees of the Bilderberg sign NDAs (non-disclosure agreement) and the only journalists that do cover these meetings are for the most part "independent" as the mainstream media says virtually nothing about Bilderberg. In fact, if it wasn't for these intrepid and erstwhile "independent journalists", we, the internet public would likely not be aware of such congregations of the world's top minds. Why doesn't the mainstream media report on Bilderberg? The fact that the mainstream media ignores such a meeting of minds is highly suggestive to me of something being amiss. Sure they might argue it is not newsworthy, to which I am sure the independent journalists would wholeheartedly disagree. And if there is nothing going on in these meetings but an open environment for minds to brainstorm, then why do the security and the local police get abusive and threatening to those "independent journalists" that do cover these meetings? Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change Such abuses of power as reported in this video are not indicative of friendly brainstorming, but is very suggestive of an abuse of power.

The alleged agenda for the 66th Bilderberg Meeting consists of twelve somewhat vague subject headings.

  1. Populism in Europe
  2. The inequality challenge
  3. The future of work
  4. Artificial intelligence
  5. The US before midterms
  6. Free trade
  7. US world leadership
  8. Russia
  9. Quantum computing
  10. Saudi Arabia and Iran
  11. The “post-truth” world
  12. Current events

In what context these subjects will be discussed is anybody's guess. For more coverage on Bilderberg 2018 And considering the proviso that attendees can use the information they get from these meetings anyway they like does leave room for the suspicious mind to wonder, especially with the attendance of the likes of Kissinger who is considered a war-criminal in many countries. Take note that not on the agenda of the Bilderberg attendees is the pseudo-scientific Anthropogenic Global Warming. Equally so they seem not interested in discussing the single most pertinent present day and future threat to humanity, that being Global Cooling and the potential of a coming mini Ice Age brought on by the Grand Solar Minimum. Oblivious they seem to the growing global crop losses and the continual encroachment of winter into the summer months. Snow is predicted for the north-western U.S. over the Summer Solstice.

Global cooling associated with Grand Solar Minimums has in humanity's history has a correlation with the downfall of empires through social unrest. The graph below shows the downfall of several Chinese Empires correlated with Grand Solar Minimums.

A little over a week ago on May 21, 2018 Sweden published online a document entitled"If War or Crisis Comes" by the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency ahead of this same document being delivered to every household in Sweden. Sweden is one of the least politically active countries so the fact that it has published this document is a sign of something that, more than likely, should not be ignored. In their own words they state; "Why is this information coming out now?
We live in a time in which the consequences of extreme weather, IT attacks and terror attacks may cause a breakdown in the function of public services. The Swedish Government, which has given MSB this assignment, believes that this information also is important in the light of the deterioration in the security situation in the rest of the world."

Sweden, like much of Europe this past winter saw some extreme weather as they were hit with massive dumps of snow, cold biting temperatures that caused death, power outages and road blockages negatively affecting infrastructure. Extreme weather which can only be attributed to global cooling. In the first chapter titled, "What would You do if Your Everyday Life was Turned Upside Down?" , they say, ". Climate change may mean that flooding and forest fires become more common. Incidents in the rest of the world may result in shortages of certain foodstuffs. Disruptions to important IT systems may have an impact on the electricity supply."

"Shortages of certain foodstuffs" is clearly indicative of their awareness of the global crop losses occurring these days due to long winters, freezing temperatures, hail, flooding and drought. And except when it comes to drought(a favorite of the GW narrative) most of these crop losses is not being reported by an national news agencies, only local news reporting on local losses. "Disruptions to IT systems...impact on the electricity supply." reveals an awareness of the weakening magnetosphere and how space weather pertaining to solar winds and cosmic rays, both galactic and solar, are having a negative impact on all things electrical. Recently VISA payment system for UK and Europe failed due to what VISA has claimed was a "hardware failure", though they seem at a loss as to why the failure occurred. Coincidentally, the failure occurred at a time when the Earth was undergoing a strong geomagnetic storm with a KP index of 5+ and it was the Europe face of Earth facing the sun at the time of the geomagnetic storm. On another occasion a bank in Brazil suffered similar shutdown of operations during an intense geomagnetic storm occurring above Brazil. These sort of infrastructure breakdowns are just the beginning to what we may expect as we move further into the Grand Solar Minimum.

While some of this document is specific to Sweden, much of it is good prepping advice for anyone anywhere. Download your copy of "If Crisis or War Comes"

As Kilauea in Hawaii still rumbles away at what seems an unprecedented rate, but really isn't if you know its history. The recent period of inactivity was not the norm for this plate volcano which now sets off multiple earthquakes daily as high as 5.3. Recent activity such as the massive increase of the caldera have some volcanologists suspecting a major explosion any day now and if nothing else, it will continue to erupt for at least 150 days. We will see.

Speaking of major eruptions, Volcano de Fuego in Guatemala erupted with an intense show of force spewing SO2(sulfur dioxide) nine to eleven km into the atmosphere where it can stay for years contributing to the albedo effect. Within minutes of the explosion pyroclastic flows tore through and destroyed several nearby towns killing up to 300 people. Images of before and after the destruction can be viewed here
Increased volcanism is to be expected during the Grand Solar Minimum as the increase in cosmic rays due to the weakening magnetosphere excites the muons in silica rich lava and waking up the volcano after a slumber. With the strong solar maximum of the past century many volcanoes had been asleep but now, thanks to the Grand Solar Minimum are waking up. As the sun's magnetic fields move further out of phase, four times further this year over the past year, my expectation is that this will intensify the extreme weather and volcanism, the latter in particular will exacerbate global cooling via the albedo effect.

While this past winter saw mainstream media presenting false news regarding the state of Arctic temperatures on more than one occasion as well as dire warnings about disappearing ice, I am pleased to inform you that Arctic Ice Volume is greater than what it was in 2014 and with much of that ice being three meters to four point five meters thick. Also, by all appearances it seems to be intent on surpassing the 2003-2014 multi-decadal average within the next month or two. Where is the mainstream reportage of this?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you would like to see more articles like this please feel free to follow me. Leave an interesting comment or question and I shall follow you. Let's start a conversation about this.

Compiled and written by Frederick Thornton


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