From Sun to Earth; Report on weather in the Grand Solar Minimum May 19 2018 by Freddie Thornton

in #news6 years ago

Image courtesy of SOHO
The sun at 195 angstroms revealing the departing bright active region and the northern coronal hole which will interact with earth in a couple of days via increased solar wind speeds. There has been no sunspot activity in the last 24 hours as well as no coronal mass ejections.

Image courtesy of NOAA
Solar wind speed is steady around the 400k/s some fluctuation in temperature and a slight increase in density but nothing to be of concern.

Image courtesy of NOAA
KP Index is presently at one but has dropped to zero. When KP index is so low it means an increase in cosmic rays which can have deleterious effects to one's health(see link at bottom of this post). As well an increase in cosmic rays ACTIVATES SILICA RICH VOLCANOES, as well has been shown to contribute to rain nucleation producing more cloud cover.

Image courtesy of University of Delaware Bartol Research Institute
Graph showing slight uptick in cosmic rays correlating with low KP index.

Image courtesy of Spaceweatherlive
hemispheric Power levels down near 20 indicate low auroral activity as indicated in image below.

Image courtesy of

Image courtesy of Australian Bureau of Meteorology
Total Electron Count is nominal peaking along the Equator.

Image courtesy of
Atmospheric Particulate Counts remain high over North Africa, mid east, India, China and down along the Pacific Ring of Fire. High counts are also noticeable along the southern jet stream.

Image courtesy of
SO4(sulfate) counts have increased globally over yesterday and are particularly high in China and the north east US. Europe as well is seeing a slight increase. This can likely be attributed to the uptick in volcanism yesterday as there were eruptions correlating with most regions experiencing SO4 uptick.

Image courtesy of
Sea Surface Temperatures are relatively normal with temperature peaks(magenta color) east of Africa surrounding India and south-west of China.

Image courtesy of cryosphere watch
Snow and solid precipitation

ARCTIC TEMPERATURE @ geographic north pole = -9.1* C

ANTARCTIC TEMPERATURE @ geographic south pole = -49.2* C

Image courtesy of Volcano Discovery
Most active volcanoes in the world in the past 24 hours include Mt Kilauea with fissure 17 quite active and a plume of steam and ash spewing from the caldera. Sakurajima(Japan) erupted again as it continues to spew ash daily, also Dukono and Sinabung of Indonesia as well as Agung(Bali). Reventador and Sabancaya of South America. You will note how this active volcanoes lie along the regions with the highest SO4 levels.

Earthquake Activity last 24 hours higher than 1.8 Richter Scale

Sat, 19 May 16:51:07 UTC M 2.7 / 10.0km - [info] NORTHERN ITALY 44.7700 / 9.6800 EMSC
Sat, 19 May 16:41:22 UTC M 4.3 / 10.0km - [info] Northern Italy - 44.9000 / 9.7300 GFZ
Sat, 19 May 14:03:03 UTC M 4.9 / 10.0km - [info] Sth of Sumbawa, Indonesia -11.5500 / 117.3300 GFZ
Sat, 19 May 09:36:27 UTC M 5.2 / 63.0km - [info] Near N. Coast of New Guinea, PNG. -4.7900 / 144.8700 GFZ
Sat, 19 May 08:43:24 UTC M 4.3 / 30.0km - [info] OFFSHORE CHIAPAS, MEXICO -15.2600 / -94.1000 EMSC
Sat, 19 May 07:54:48 UTC M 4.2 / 34.5km - [info] - 7km N of Radamata, Indonesia -9.3569 / 119.2569 USGS
Sat, 19 May 06:43:39 UTC M 4.8 / 10.0km - [info] Near Coast of Central Chile --32.1800 / -71.4900 GFZ
Sat, 19 May 03:57:15 UTC M 4.6 / 186.0km - [info] Sunda Strait, Indonesia - [I felt it] - -6.2900 / 105.6700 GFZ
Sat, 19 May 03:09:07 UTC M 4.2 / 24.0km - [info] 台湾新北市海域 - 24.9400 / 122.2300 CEIC
Sat, 19 May 00:27:37 UTC M 4.1 / 39.0km - [info] GUERRERO, MEXICO - 16.9100 / -98.9600 EMSC

Fri, 18 May 20:36:46 UTC M 5.2 / 2.0km - [info] West Papua Region, Indonesia - 4.1480 / 133.6450 GeoAu
Fri, 18 May 20:31:44 UTC M 5.2 / 79.0km - [info] Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi -1.1800 / 120.1100 GFZ
Fri, 18 May 20:31:39 UTC M 5.1 / 28.2km - [info] - 25km WNW of Ogotua, Indonesia - 1.0767 / 120.0629 USGS
Fri, 18 May 20:26:00 UTC M 4.9 / 10.0km - [info] Minahassa Peninsula, Sulawesi -1.3100 / 120.0100 GFZ
Fri, 18 May 20:25:58 UTC M 5.1 / 12.6km - [info] - 37km WNW of Ogotua, Indonesia - 1.0458 / 119.9343 USGS
Fri, 18 May 17:27:23 UTC M 4.8 / 10.0km - [info] - Southeast of Easter Island -35.9480 / -101.4578 USGS 2.7K

Extreme weather events involving lightning and large hail have been reported worldwide. Denver, Kansas(destroyed summer wheat) and New Orleans all reported golf ball sized hail. North west China reported palm sized hail battering city for 20 minutes. India meteorological Dept. has issued warning for thunderstorms and hail for next three days.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and I hope you got something out of it. If you like to see more posts like this then please feel free to follow, leave an interesting comment or query and I shall follow you.



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