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RE: Berkeley Pro Free Speech Protesters Chase Out AntiFA

in #news7 years ago

I would be more bothered if people backed down when Antifa threatened with arson and looting like they were able to get away with in the past. This is an arguable self-defense case, especially when the police are forced to back down. With a faction willing and able to square off against the antifa, it will show that they will fight back to protect their communities. Now if antifa wants to violently protest they have to expect some resistance.


This the the wrong way of doing anything. Protesting is futile. Especially when you're protesting for a change within the government, within the rules they gave you, within the represented democracy. You won't change anything like this, it's just an illusion you people uphold, that the "next guy" in the office will make a change for the better. When has it ever? Stop acting violently in the first place, you are no better than the government then. Focus your energy on first fixing your own life and thinking, you can't expect others to do that, when you're not able to yourself. After that, don't use your energy on being angry and fighting. Focus your energy on building a new better system to make government obsolete. Don't give them the power they have over you by participating in their system. Don't fucking vote and play their game.

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