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RE: Delaware DOJ Calls Validating Libertarian Ballot Access "Waste" of State Resources

in #news6 years ago

I am a die hard libertarian and I would love to see a movement towards libertarian candidates not having to run as republicans to get funding. I’m sick of both of the major parties. They’re both wasteful as hell and they want to control us, just in different ways. The democrats want to tax us to death and the republicans want never ending wars for profiteering and want to be the morality police.

I pay my taxes, I work my ass off to provide for my family. Government should be LIMITED at the federal level and stay the hell out of my life. Live and let live. Pursuit of happiness is a right. is that too much to ask? Because it is actually verbiage in our founding documents. The founders would puke if they saw what this country had turned into today.

And shame on those trying to suppress the libertarian movement.


Hey Cryptokeeper, I agree 110%! Libertarianism is the government staying the hell out of your life, yes.

It's ironic because I think most people actually agree with this, and are Libertarians but they dont even know it.

Following you brotha, looking forward to your future posts.

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