
The energy is stored in a battery for use at night just like it is in a pacemaker. Click the link below in "related posts" and read the article about Powerwall 2

peak consumption happens by night. The issue with solar is that it you cannot scale if there is a sudden high demand when the production is down. The moment it produces the most is when people less need it. To top it off, the production of batteries is quite a polluting enterprise and has a limited shelf life. All things being equal, I would rather have a steady source such as hydro power where all you need to do is open the spigot.

If all the production is made at home, it may work if you are living in a place where there is a lot of sun. But where I live, it's a little unpractical.

Hydo is the cheapest form of power generation by far and solar is more suited to certain areas for sure.
Peak hours are not at night though as many people believe. Peak energy consumption is during the day time.

I guess is geographically dependent. Whenever everyone get's home and turn on the lights and the heating (it dark at 4pm here), that's our peak hours over here in QC.

Thermo energética is good and hho to in that condition

We are living in a world controlled by the energy companies all that of Tokyo conference about climate change is the biggest scam , is only a show and a big 💩, to give hope to the people we are going in a good dirección but the realiti is the money still talking and most of the countries have a sun tax like in Spain

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